
  • Sensoji Temple;Asakusa,Tokyo;Sea.Biscuit
  1. 富游。浅草区(Asakusa)以浅草寺(Sensoji)闻名,它是东京最古老的寺庙。

    HIGH The Asakusa neighborhood is known for its Sensoji Buddhist temple , Tokyo 's oldest .

  2. 如果你来东京时正赶上短暂的樱花季,可以去浅草区(Asakusa)的隅田公园(SumidaPark)走一走。

    If your visit to the city happens to coincide with the brief cherry blossom season , tack on a walk through Sumida Park in Asakusa .

  3. 论浅草、沉钟的关系

    The Relationship between the Shallow Grass Community and the Sink Clock Community

  4. 色泽是明亮的带有活力青葱韵味的浅草色。

    Brilliant light green straw with a vibrant green hue .

  5. 它包含了我在浅草学到一切。

    It contains everything I Iearned in asakusa .

  6. 即便如此,日本的第一条地铁于1927年在浅草和上野之间开通了。

    Even so , Japan 's first subway in1927 in Asakusa and Ueno opened between .

  7. 东京地铁的浅草线

    The Asakusa Subway Line in Tokyo

  8. 浅草&沉钟社在个性主题的创作中,形成了三种表现模式。

    Three expressive modes are manifest in the creation on the individuality theme by the " Low Grass-Heavy Bell Literary Society " .

  9. 同一气候背景下,浅草地、灌溉田和旱田的土壤水分有效含量具有一致的变化曲线。

    Similar variation curves of effective moisture were found in soils of low grass , irrigable land and arid land under same climate .

  10. 在那里挤满了热情洋溢的观众,好像是在温布尔登梦幻般的场地上那些被浅草覆盖而鼓起的小丘一样。

    It actually it felt a little like the fabled grounds at Wimbledon slopping grassy knoll that filled with cheering sun drenched fans .

  11. 当天的比赛在浅草寺的露天舞台上举行,但比赛过程总是不能如家长和大人们所期待的那么顺利,这主要是因为有些宝宝“拒绝”哭泣。

    The festival does not always pass off as the parents and adults expect , with some babies refusing to cry on the open-air stage at the Asakusa temple .

  12. 东京东部的浅草寺有一个巨大的香炉,游客们纷纷前往那里“浴香”以寻求好运。

    The front of the Sensoji Temple in east Tokyo , Japan has a giant incense burner that visitors go to for a " good luck " smoke bath .

  13. 最近的一次离婚典礼于上周日举行,当天一对自称藤井的夫妇在东京老城区浅草区的浅草寺附近会合,之后各乘一辆人力车前往离婚公馆。

    The latest couple , who called themselves Mr and Mrs Fujii , met near Sensoji Temple in Tokyo 's traditional Asakusa area on Sunday and rode in separate rickshaws to the divorce mansion .

  14. 在日治时代,西门町原本还只是一片荒凉的地方,后来日本人决定仿效东京浅草区,在此设立休闲商业区。

    In the beginning during Japanese rule , Ximending was an area of wilderness . Later , the Japanese decided to follow the example of Asakusa in Tokyo to set up an entertainment and business area .