
  • 网络Wan brothers
  1. 1935年,万氏兄弟创作的《骆驼献舞》宣告有声动画片的诞生,并对中国美术片的发展产生重大影响。1941年,他们创作出中国第一部超长动画一一

    By 1935 the Wan brothers would launch the first animation with sound titled The Camel 's Dance .

  2. 中国动画从1926年万氏兄弟制作的第一部动画片问世到今天已经七十多个年头。

    Since Wan brothers produced the first cartoon in 1926 , Chinese animation has developed for more than 70 years .

  3. 1922年万籁鸣,万氏兄弟制作了中国的第一组卡通广告《舒振东华文打字机》。

    In 1922 Wan Laiming produced the first animation in a cartoon advertisement for the Shuzhendong Chinese Typewriter .

  4. 万氏兄弟是中国动画的开拓者,也是世界动画影坛上中国学派的重要代表人物。

    Wan Brothers are pioneers in animation , and the important representatives of animated film in the " Chinese School " .

  5. 1932年,万氏兄弟之一,万涤寰离开长城电影公司开设了自己的摄影工作室。

    By 1932 one of the Wan brothers , Wan Dihuan , would voluntarily leave the Great Wall Film company for his own photography studio .

  6. 1958年万氏兄弟在民间剪纸艺术的基础上,运用动画原理和电影手段,试制成功首部剪纸片《猪八戒吃西瓜》。

    In 1958 the Wan brothers created a new animation film technique based on the folk art cut-paper animation , which was demonstrated in Pigsy Eats Watermelon .

  7. 在此期间,万氏兄弟们还是创作出了超过20部的动画宣传短片,围绕爱国主义主题、涉及反抗日本侵略、抵制鸦片和反抗帝国主义各个方面。

    During the Japanese invasion period , the brothers produced more than 20 animated propaganda shorts focusing on various patriotic topics from resistance against Japanese troops , opium and imperialism .

  8. 1956年,万氏兄弟摄制了彩色动画片,名为《乌鸦为什么是黑的》,标志着中国动画片被世界所接受。

    By 1956 the Wan brothers had created the first colored animation of notable length titled Why is the Crow Black-Coated , which became the first Chinese animation recognized internationally .

  9. 1926年万氏兄弟与长城影业公司拍摄了《大闹画室》,宣告了中国动画片的诞生。

    In the year 1926 Wan Brothers films Ltd. and Great wall films Ltd. Produced Da Nao Hua Shi ( Snafu Studio ) which is the first cartoon movie in China .

  10. 《大闹天宫》是由万籁明导演、万氏四兄弟一起制作的动画电影。

    Uproar in Heaven is a Chinese animated feature film directed by Wan Laiming and produced by all four of the Wan brothers .