
  1. 浅谈作为民俗文化的艺术载体&剪纸

    Analysis Paper cut as a carrier of Artistic Imagery in Folk Culture

  2. 各种艺术载体之间存在着相互借鉴的关系,音乐与文学也不例外。

    All types of literature with musicality can be called musical literature .

  3. 形成这种风格的形式因素是与人形造型艺术载体的材质、形状、功能息息相关。

    The factors of this style is related to material quality and the shape of the carving .

  4. 唐诗,三国历史文化的另一艺术载体。

    Poetry of the Tang Dynasty is another art carrier of the history and culture of the Three Kingdoms .

  5. 从表现论看,它是演示现代荒诞意识绝妙的艺术载体。

    While from the viewpoint of the theory of expressionism , it becomes an artistic carrier of demonstrating modern absurd consciousness .

  6. 招贴设计同时也是具有社会时尚的艺术载体,它所呈现的艺术表现力是其他平面设计载体所无法相比的。

    Posters also have a social fashion art carrier , which shows the artistic expression vector of other graphic design can not be compared .

  7. 数字化时代,影像不仅是人们传播活动的重要工具,也是老少皆宜的艺术载体。

    In digital age , the portrait is not only an important means of spreading action , but also an art carrier for the old and young .

  8. 神话是最古老的一种艺术载体,它保存了各民族原始文化或民间文化生活中的精神想象与艺术创造的成果,并且与原始宗教和诗歌具有亲缘性联系。

    Myth is an ancient artistic carrier , which preserves the imagination and artistic creation in primitive culture and folk culture among all ethnic groups in the world and has a genetic relationship with primitive religion and poetry .

  9. 另外,从佛教石窟艺术载体上,又将佛教艺术文化分别从龟兹音乐和乐器、龟兹舞蹈和舞剧等方面进行分述。第四章为文章的结论。

    Furthermore , from the Buddhist grotto art vector , and again the Buddhist culture from Qiuci music and musical instruments , dance and ballet Qiuci in areas such as sub-v * Chapter 4 of the conclusions of the article .

  10. 它在很大程度上承担着东方艺术特色载体的功能。

    It is undertaking the East artistic feature carrier function to a great extent .

  11. 汉字是华夏民族之根,是书法艺术的载体。

    Chinese character is the root of China and the carrier of calligraphic art .

  12. 第二章是秧歌艺术的载体&秧歌队;

    In the second part , yangge group is introduced as the carrier of yangge .

  13. 他们只在一个时期以及一个平台上成为了表演艺术的载体。

    They at one time , and only one platform has become the carrier of the performing arts .

  14. 材料作为雕塑艺术的载体,在其应用的范围方面越来越广泛。

    Material as a sculpture art carrier , in the scope of its application is more and more widely .

  15. 城市是公共艺术的载体,公共艺术是城市形象的重要组成部分。

    The city is the carry of the public art , City Public art is an important component of the city image .

  16. 纹身艺术的载体是鲜活的,灵动的,不受时空限制的,纹身艺术具有审美直观性,独特性和永久性。

    The tattoo art carrier is fresh , vivid with no time constraint , and the tattoo art is visually aesthetic , unique and permanent .

  17. 汉字作为书法艺术的载体,其视觉形式及其空间上的开放性使汉字具有象形结构图式的自然美、匀称对比的和谐美、汉字的文化意蕴美、汉字书写的情境美等多质性审美效应。

    Han Characters , as a carrier of the art of calligraphy , embody aesthetic value , such as pictographic beauty , the beauty of harmony .

  18. 从审美艺术表现载体看,他的艺术作品的另一个创新就在于艺术表现媒体的革故鼎新,这也是他的审美创造的艺术特点之一。

    From the view of show carrier , his works discards the old in favor of the new , this is one of his aesthetic creation characteristics .

  19. 贫困戏剧不过是艺术的载体,格罗托夫斯基及其追随者真正要追求与实现的恰恰是精神上的富裕。

    Poverty drama is only the carrier of art , and what Grotowski and his followers really want to pursue and achieve precisely is the spiritual wealth .

  20. 其次是将物质的景观形态赋予历史文化性和精神性,让人们在景观中感受到城市历史文化气息,给城市的文化语汇一个艺术的载体;

    Secondly It entrusts the historical culture and spirit to the material shape of the scenery , and let people experience the historical characteristics in the city ;

  21. 新媒体对传统媒介的整合和替代造就了其独特的本体面貌,使绘画艺术信息载体由实物转变成为可供虚拟传播的图片或视频。

    New media create a unique appearance through integration and substitution of traditional media , which change the real information carrier to virtual transmission of pictures or video .

  22. 在西方传统诗学中,文本只是作为艺术的载体而具有工具性意义,其自身的本性是隐而不现的。

    According to traditional western poetic theory , the text is only a tool for the analysis of art and the text itself does not attract much attention .

  23. 本文的真正意图在于让我们重新思考绘画材料及技法作为艺术观念载体所具有的真正价值。

    In this paper , the real intention is to allow us to rethink the painting materials and techniques as the concept of vector , which has a real value .

  24. 参与自然、以大地为艺术作品载体的大地艺术对现代景观设计,特别是对公共空间环境设计的影响显而易见。

    Participation in nature , to the earth for the earth works of art vector art of modern landscape design , especially for the design of public space environment evident .

  25. 云南楼阁还承载着丰富的历史信息、技术信息,是多种艺术的载体,因而具有重要的历史价值、艺术价值和技术价值。

    Storied building in Yunnan is also an art carrier , which carries rich historical information and skill information . It has important historical value , art value and skill value .

  26. 文章从视觉艺术语言的载体,二维、三维空间物质;

    This paper from the arts visual language is two-dimension and three - dimension material space ;

  27. 文化,作为书籍设计的时空艺术的深层载体,是其存在和发展的原动力。

    Culture is the deep carrier and development power of the times and space art of book design .

  28. 风砂岩&欧陆建筑艺术风格的载体而其新一代的球员在欧洲大陆上已刮起了旋风。

    Mantle of Rock & Presenting the Artistic Styles of European Architecture and a new generation of players have stormed the continent .

  29. 现代陶艺是现代艺术的重要载体,它不是传统陶艺的简单重复和延伸。

    Modern pottery is an important carrier of modern art , it is not a simple repetition of traditional potters and extension .

  30. 语言的艺术态度的载体&评价系统下奥巴马竞选演讲的人际意义分析

    The Art of Speaking , the Carrier of Attitude & An Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning of Obama 's Speeches under Appraisal System