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  1. 第三节则利用ARMA模型对流动性指标进行了建模与预测,并评价了预测效果。

    And then a forecast about liquidity is done by ARMA model .

  2. 第五节则介绍告知义务的免除。

    Section V introduces the exemption of the duty of disclosure .

  3. 第二节则主要分析水权的主要特征。

    Section 2 mainly analyses the above-mentioned attributes of water right .

  4. 第二节则分类研究书生这一群体。

    The second section research scholar classification of this group .

  5. 第二节则分析反讽作为修辞方式的意义。

    The second section analyzes instead satirizes takes the rhetoric way the significance .

  6. 第二节则对选取的用于实证的变量做了简单的说明。

    Section Two is a simple explanation of variables used in the research .

  7. 第四节则有针对性地提出了几点建议和思考。

    Section four proposes some constructive suggestions and thoughts .

  8. 相比之下,人们熟悉的薄烤饼节则是与别人俱乐部迥然不同的活动。

    In contrast with the Other Club there is the popular Pancake Day .

  9. 第三节则关注形而上力量对医疗的影响。

    The third section discusses the metaphysical power how to affect medical treatment .

  10. 第三节则是多元正交多项式再生核一个递归性质的讨论。

    The third section is about an recursion property of the n-th reproducing kernel .

  11. 第二节则主要从社会背景方面分析了志愿医院建立的经济基础。

    The second section analyzed the economic base of the founding of the voluntary hospitals .

  12. 并且对现金流、企业利润等的影响很小第二章的第四节则研究了金融租赁业的发展历史和现状。

    The fourth section introduces the development of financial leasing industry history and current status .

  13. 第二节则分析了男权制下被异化的两位女性人物形象。

    The second section is about two alienation women characters who lived under the patriarchal society .

  14. 第四节则就我国在知识产权保护中适用国民待遇原则的限制展开讨论。

    The fourth section treats the limitations of National Treatment in trade-related intellectual property in China .

  15. 第二节则论述了近现代以来,西洋绘画与中国绘画的相互影响。

    The second section is discussed by modern , western painting since the Chinese painting influence .

  16. 第三节则致力于系统的特征方程的分析。

    In the third section , we are devoted to analyze the characteristic equations of the system .

  17. 第二节则重点探讨了社会生态和精神生态,认为内部自然与外部自然是一种相辅相成的关系。

    Section Two concentrates on social and spiritual ecology assuming that internal and external nature complement each other .

  18. 第四节则从商业银行自身的角度对我国商业银行关系营销现存问题的原因进行了剖析。

    Section four dissects the causes of the existing problems in the process of commercial banks ' relationship marketing .

  19. 第三节则结合前述回顾过的理论对传统行政事实行为理论进行了反思和检讨,并对其在诉讼救济实务中引发的困扰进行了分析。

    Section Three comments and criticizes the aforementioned theories and analyzes issues that those traditional theories create in litigation practices .

  20. 第二节则从单位犯罪及其再次犯罪的客观事实是增设单位累犯的现实需要等方面阐明了增设单位累犯的必要性;

    Section 2 is about the necessity of the unit recidivist from the objective fact of the unit committing crime again etc.

  21. 第三节则运用了各种资本结构理论、债务来源结构理论对中国企业融资选择进行了分析。

    Finally , it uses the capital structure and the debt source structure theories to explain how to choose corporate financing .

  22. 最后,第4节则探讨了以言创生制度事实和制度规则的道德基础问题。

    Section 3 explores the moral foundation of formation of an institutional fact or an institutional rule by a speech act .

  23. 第二节则是分析个人住房贷款市场风险的表现。个人住房贷款的市场风险有直接表现,即市场价格波动导致借款人的违约行为。

    Secondly , taking Chengdu as example , and analyzing the market risks of personal housing consumption loan facing with Chengdu .

  24. 本章第五节则是对回应社会压力的经济法的政府决策模型的阐释。

    Section ⅴ of this chapter is a response to social pressure of the government decision-making model of economic law on the subject .

  25. 第三节则主要涉及古老的中华法系中的两个主要代表&中国和日本近代法典化改革的问题;

    Section three mainly involves the modern codification movement from China and Japan which are the most important representatives of older Chinese law family ;

  26. 第六节则着重对刑事执行监督进行了阐述,讨论了刑事执行监督权力的配置问题。

    Part six of this chapter addresses on supervision of criminal execution and talks over the disposition of power of supervision to criminal execution .

  27. 第二节则讨论了韩语固有词与汉语词的对应;

    The second section is devoted to the discussion of the correspondence between the words inherent in the Korean language and the Chinese words .

  28. 第二节则是对集体股进行了定义,并详细地列举了现行的法律法规中与集体股有关的相关规定。

    Section II is the collective shares are defined , and a detailed list of the relevant provisions of existing laws and regulations and collective shares .

  29. 前两节分别对不正当竞争和反不正当竞争法的一些概念性问题作了论述。第三节则对不正当竞争的简要历史线条进行整理。

    These sections are talking separately about the concepts of Unfair Competition and the Law against Unfair Competition , and the brief history of Unfair Competition .

  30. 第2节则就与经济增长密切相关的税收效率成本进行研究。从而奠定了整篇论文的理论研究框架。

    In the latter part , it studies the impact of taxation on economic growth on the side of deadweight costs and the efficiency of taxation .