
  • 网络conotoxins;conotoxin;CTX;Conotoxin,CTX
  1. 中国南海新型芋螺毒素的研究和结构鉴定

    Investigating and Structure Identifying of Novel Conotoxins from South China Sea

  2. 芋螺毒素和蛇神经毒素是两类重要的肽类神经毒素,是当前毒素研究领域的两大热点。

    Conotoxins and cobra neurotoxins are now two of the important polypeptide neurotoxins with much attention paid .

  3. 有实验证明,第三个重复单位的P区(ⅢP区)是通道和芋螺毒素结合的主要部位。

    The P region of domain ⅲ (ⅲ P region ) has been shown to be the principle binding region for conotoxin .

  4. 芋螺毒素RNA的提取及其cDNA合成的研究

    Conotoxin RNA isolation and its cDNA synthesis

  5. 新型抗虫ω-芋螺毒素基因MiEN的克隆

    Cloning of a Novel ω - conotoxin Gene MiEN

  6. Cruz用了她的大部分时间研究芋螺毒素,这种毒素被用于神经科学。

    Cruz has spent most of her life studying cone snail toxins , or conotoxins , which are used in neuroscience .

  7. 芋螺毒素(conotoxins)的研究进展

    Progress on the Research of Conotoxin

  8. α-芋螺毒素能特异性地抑制肌肉型或神经元型的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR),并能进一步区分不同的神经元型nAChR亚型。

    They are able to discriminate between muscle-and neuronal-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ( nAChR ) and even among distinct nAChR subtypes .

  9. 结果芋螺毒素SO3(0.75~12μg·kg-1,icv)引发小鼠剂量依赖性震颤,显著降低小鼠自发活动计数;

    Results CTX SO3 ( 0.75 ~ 12 μ g · kg ~ - 1 , icv ) could cause a dose-dependent tremor action in mice and significantly decrease their spontaneous activities .

  10. 在此基础上,以琢-芋螺毒素GI为模型设计了7个类似物并进行了量子化学计算,比较了类似物与GI在空间结构及电子结构方面的特征。

    Based on the results , seven analogs of conotoxin GI were designed and calculated by quantum chemical method . Features of GI and analogs on the aspect of spatial structure and electronic structure were compared .

  11. 方法:用ELISA方法检测34例重症肌无力病人、20例正常人和21例其他神经系统疾病病人血清中抗ω-芋螺毒素结合蛋白、抗突触前膜和抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体。

    Methods : ELISA was used to test the antibodies to ω - conotoxin binding protein , pre-synaptic membrane ( Prsm ) and acetylcholine receptor ( AChR ) in sera from 34 MG patients , 20 healthy controls and 21 other neurological disorders ( OND ) .

  12. 它们的研究与开发十分活跃,是芋螺毒素研究的热点,其Cys残基排列方式为-C-C-CC-C-C-,肽链由24-31个氨基酸组成,分别含有3对二硫键成4-Loop框架。

    The cysteine framework of co-conotoxins is - C-C-CC-C-C - , composed of 24-31 amino acids , each containing three pairs of disulfide bonds which constitute a four-loop framework .

  13. ω-芋螺毒素线性肽合成方法比较

    Comparison of synthetic methods of several ω - conotoxins linear peptides

  14. ω-芋螺毒素MⅦA的表达与纯化

    Expression and Purification of ω - CTX M ⅶ A

  15. 中国南海织锦芋螺毒素的分离及鉴定

    Isolation and characterization of the conotoxins of Conus textile from the South China Sea

  16. 抗ω-芋螺毒素结合蛋白抗体在重症肌无力中的意义

    Significance ω - Conotoxin Antibody in Myasthenia Gravis

  17. 芋螺毒素具有很高的药用开发价值和潜力。

    These peptides have highly potential medicinal value .

  18. 化学合成ω-芋螺毒素MⅦA的复性与质谱分析

    Renaturation and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Chemically Synthesized ω - conotoxin M ⅶ A

  19. 一种增强神经元钙电流的新型织锦芋螺毒素

    A new conotoxin from conus textile enhancing Ca ~ 2 + current of neurons

  20. α-芋螺毒素的研究现状

    The progress in studies of α - conotoxin

  21. M-超家族芋螺毒素研究进展

    The progress in studies on M-superfamily conotoxins

  22. 芋螺毒素研究进展

    Progress in the investigation on conotoxins

  23. 织锦芋螺毒素的研究进展

    Advances in Toxins from Conus textile

  24. 研究ω芋螺毒素及衍生物的结构与生物活性的关系。

    To Study the relation of the structure and bioactivity of ω - conotoxin and its derivatives .

  25. 尽管还没有被证实,但一般认为ω-芋螺毒素占据了通道的孔道。

    It is generally thought that these toxin occlude the pore , although this has not been proved .

  26. 芋螺毒素是一种海洋软体动物芋螺分泌的一类用于自卫和捕食的小肽神经性毒素。

    Conotoxin is a kind of neuropharmacologically active peptides which secreted by marine cone snails for feeding and defense .

  27. ω-芋螺毒素是电压敏感型钙离子通道的专一性阻断剂,是芋螺毒素中最重要的毒素,有着诱人的应用前景。

    ω Conotoxins are specific blockers of voltage sensitive calcium channels , and a group of most important toxins of conotoxins .

  28. 作用于乙酰胆碱受体α9α(10)亚型α型芋螺毒素的构效关系研究

    The Structure-activity Relationship Study of α - conotoxins Which Target at Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α _9 α _ ( 10 ) Subtype

  29. 重组蓖麻毒素A链蛋白的表达、纯化及生物学活性的测定2、芋螺毒素MⅦA基因的融合表达及其镇痛活性的测定

    Expression , Purification and Its Bioactivity of Recombinant Ricin A Chain 2.Expression and Its Analgesic Activity of Conotoxin M ⅶ A Fused with Glutathion S-transferase

  30. 目前保守估计全世界有5万种芋螺毒素,但仅有少数毒素的功能得到鉴定,我国丰富的芋螺毒素资源亟待丌发。

    It is estimated that there are about 50,000 conotoxins all of the world , but only a few of which have been identified functionally .