
  • 网络furong district
  1. 我们多次催促,CS芙蓉区法院就是不把案子移送北京。

    Though we had repeatedly urged , Furong district court did not transfer the case to Beijing .

  2. 本文以长沙市芙蓉区为例,在分析了芙蓉区第三产业现状的基础上,提出了建设生态第三产业的发展对策。

    Taking Furong District of Changsha as an example , by analysing the status quo of the ecological third industry , the developing countermeasures of building ( ecological ) third industry are proposed .

  3. 最终将长沙芙蓉商务区打造成现代化的资源节约型和环境友好型社会的中央商务区的发展典范。

    The final purpose is to create the modern resource-saving and to welcome the friendly society of the CBD development model .