
  • 网络Chicago School;Chicago school of economics
  1. 芝加哥经济学派(ChicagoSchoolofEconomics)对市场竞争功效的分析不断受到媒体和学术界的攻击。

    The ' Chicago School of Economics ' came under sustained attacks from the media and the academy for its analysis of the efficacy of competitive markets .

  2. 以米尔顿·弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)为代表的芝加哥经济学派,是新古典思想中的翘楚,他们强调市场的效率和政府干预的风险。

    The Chicago School , under the intellectual imprint of Milton Friedman , was a leader in neoclassical thought that emphasizes the efficiency of markets and the risks of government intervention .

  3. 自芝加哥法经济学派拉开法律经济分析的序幕,经济学在很多法律领域埋下种子,发芽、开花、硕果累累。

    Thanks to the Chicago School of Economics of Law , economic theories , approaches and tools have been applied into numerous legal areas .