
  • 网络Autonomous University of Barcelona;UAB;Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona;Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona
  1. 巴塞罗那自治大学(AutonomousUniversityofBarcelona)的20岁学生法兰(MariaFabregatFarran)从15岁开始,每次考试都会带上一个红色的手镯。

    Since the age of 15 , Maria Fabregat Farran , a 20-year-old student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona , has always worn a red bracelet while taking exams . '

  2. 来自巴塞罗那自治大学全球生态小组的研究者对多重植物进行了研究,包括麻栎、黄菀、石南花和金雀花。

    The researchers from the global ecology unit at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at a variety of plants , including holm oak , yellow fleabane , heather and Spanish broom .