
  • 网络Vale;cvrd
  1. 这项动意的目的是在谈判中平衡海外矿工的力量,这其中包括巴西淡水河谷公司和英澳力拓有限公司以及必和必拓有限公司。

    The move is aimed at creating a more balanced force in negotiations with foreign miners , including Brazil 's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Anglo-Australian groups Rio Tinto Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd.

  2. 必和必拓、力拓及巴西淡水河谷矿业公司是中国的三大铁矿石国际供应商。

    BHP , Rio Tinto and Brazilian mining company Vale are the top three suppliers of iron ore to China .

  3. 同时世界铁矿石供给市场被巴西淡水河谷矿业公司、澳大利亚必和必拓集团、力拓集团垄断,铁矿石价格不断上升。

    Simultaneously , the international iron ore supply market is monopolized by Vale of Brazil , BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group , and the price of iron ore keeps rising .