
yuán jīnɡ
  • cantharid
  1. 30KD的蛋白带在芫菁雄虫羽化后1小时出现,主要作用是调控成虫的生长和变态发育。

    The protein band of 30 kD expressed at 1 h after eclosion playing a major role in the growth and metamorphosis of adult development .

  2. 大斑芫菁成虫排毒量的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the venomous weight of Mylabris phalerata adults

  3. 芫菁的人工饲养和生殖生态研究

    The Studies on Artificial Rearing and Breeding Ecology of Meloids

  4. 中国药用甲虫&芫菁科的资源考察与利用

    Investigation on the natural resources and utilization of the Chinese medicinal beetles-meloidae

  5. 中华豆芫菁成体的营养成分测定与分析

    Determination and Analysis of Adult Nourishment Component of Epicauta chinensis

  6. 新疆6种芫菁染色体核型的研究

    Karyotypic studies on six species of Meloidae in Xinjiang

  7. 根据研究结果,初步探讨了斑芫菁属翅脉的形态进化。

    At last , the vein morphological evolution of the genus was discussed .

  8. 云南豆芫菁属一新种(鞘翅目:芫菁科)

    A New Species of the Genus Epicauta from Yunnan ( Coleoptera : Meloidae )

  9. 蛋白质组成以两种斑芫菁更接近于全蛋模式;

    The protein composition of the meloids is similar to that of egg model .

  10. 新疆五种芫菁血淋巴蛋白质谱带的比较研究

    Comparative study on the protein spectra of haemolymph of five species in Meloidae from Xinjiang

  11. 斑蝥素合成期的芫菁蛋白质表达差异分析

    Protein expression profile in blister beetle Mylabris calida Palla at the stage of cantharidin synthesis

  12. 新疆芫菁科的区系组成及药用价值(鞘翅目:芫菁科)

    The faunal composition and medical value of Meloidae in Xinjiang ( coleoptera : meloidae )

  13. 用C~(14)菊粉通过稀释法测定了两种芫菁成虫的血淋巴体积。

    Haemolymph volumes of two Meloid Beetles were determined by ~ ( 14 ) C inulin method .

  14. 斑芫菁属昆虫体内钙元素的摩尔量要低于结合斑蝥素的摩尔量。

    And the mol of Ca element in Mylabris was lower than that of the bound cantharidin .

  15. 芫菁雄虫羽化后0~30天无论在形态还是斑蝥素合成量方面都发生了显著变化。

    Male blister beetle undergo significant changes in morphology and cantharidin content during the 0-30 days after eclosion .

  16. 不同温度和土壤含水量对大斑芫菁生长发育的联合作用。

    Joint effect of different combination of temperature and water-content in soil on the development of Mylabris phalerata pall .

  17. 两种芫菁生殖系统比较解剖及大斑芫菁生殖腺组织学探究

    An Anatomy and Comparison of Reproductive Systerm of Two Meloids and the Histological Study on Reproductive Gland of Mylabris phalerata

  18. 利用蛋白质凝胶电泳技术,对苹斑芫菁在羽化后0~25天的体内可溶性蛋白进行了分析。

    Using protein gel electrophoresis technology , soluable proteins of Mylabris calida Palla from 0 to 25 days after eclosion were analyzed .

  19. 说明眼斑芫菁有着比较独特的基因序列,而构建文库是发现新基因的高效的方法。

    It proves that Mylabris Cichorii Linnaeus has especial gene sequence , and construct library is the efficient method to discovery new genes .

  20. 芫菁科昆虫的生物学特性及人工养殖研究概况斑蝥素合成期的芫菁蛋白质表达差异分析

    Biological Characteristic of Meloidae and Its Artificial Feeding Protein expression profile in blister beetle Mylabris calida Palla at the stage of cantharidin synthesis

  21. 列举了芫菁亚科5族13属34种芫菁的性行为,并讨论了雄成虫在形态构造上对求偶和交配行为的适应性行为。

    The specialization of male morphological structures in courtship behavior and mating behavior of 5 tribes , 13 genera , 34 species were discussed .

  22. 目前,芫菁资源短缺,人工大量饲养大斑芫菁是有效的解决办法之一。

    Facing the fact of shortened resources of the blister beetles , artificial mass rearing becomes one of the effective approaches to obtain large numbers blister beetles .

  23. 眼斑芫菁在自然条件下每年发生一代,以卵越冬,对芫菁卵滞育机理的研究是规模化饲养的基础。

    Under natural conditions , M. cichorii occur one generation every year , and enter diapause as egg . Research of diapause mechanism was foundation of large-scale breeding of M. cichorii .

  24. 主要研究结果如下:不同光周期和温度条件处理眼斑芫菁的成虫和卵,观察卵滞育及解除的条件。

    The main results as follows : Diapause incidence of offspring in M. cichorii was evaluated by exposing parents generation and offsprings to different photoperiod and temperature , observing condition of diapause and diapause termination .

  25. 比较这两种不同属的芫菁发现,虽然它们在平均干重上差异显著,但平均血淋巴体积,血淋巴重量的百分含量上的差异不显著。

    The comparison between the two Meloid Beetles shows that , although the differences of mean dry weight between the two genuses is significant , but the differences of mean haemolymph volume and mean haemolymph weight per cent are insignificant .

  26. 大斑芫菁最适孵化的温湿度为26~28℃及70~75%,而眼斑芫菁的卵要经过高低温度的变化,有效积温达到1680.85日·度时才能孵化。

    For incubation , M. phalerata is 26-28 ℃ and 70 - 75 % respectively , and M. cichorii must undergo the high and lower variation of temperature , the efficacious accumulative temperature must get of 1680 . 85 day ·℃ .

  27. 结果发现,对于芫菁可溶性蛋白,采用尿素裂解液液氮粉碎高速离心法比采用咪唑缓冲液组织匀浆法更为适合,蛋白损失少,图谱均匀清晰。

    The results showed that , for the blister beetle soluble protein , using liquid nitrogen urea lysate with high-speed centrifugation is more suitable than the imidazole buffer method for blister beetle tissue , providing a pattern with less loss and more clearity .