
bā jiāo
  • plantain;Chinese banana
芭蕉 [bā jiāo]
  • [banana] 芭蕉属( Musa )多年生的几种树状的草本植物,叶子很大,果实像香蕉,可以吃

芭蕉[bā jiāo]
  1. 芭蕉是我国古代文学中重要的植物意象和题材。

    Plantain is an important plant image and theme in classic Chinese literature .

  2. 它有可能是小鸟路过这里的时候把芭蕉种子留在上面了。

    They might have come from the plantain seeds dropped on the trees by passing birds .

  3. 海南粽子在海南,粽子是用bananaleaves(芭蕉叶)来包的,而大陆的粽子是用bambooleaves(竹叶)或reedleaves(芦苇叶)来包裹的。

    In Hainan , zongzi are wrapped in banana leaves , while dumplings on the mainland are wrapped in either bamboo or reed leaves .

  4. 主要粮食作物有芋头、玉米、芭蕉等。

    Main grain crop has taro , corn , banana to wait .

  5. 芭蕉芯和维生素B6对小鼠草酸钙结晶的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of vitamin B_6 and banana-stem extract on calcium oxalate crystalization

  6. 其中一款由沃森创造出的受人追捧的菜肴是美味版本的炸鱼和炸薯条(fishandchips),它是用酸橘汁腌鱼和油炸芭蕉制成。

    One crowd favorite generated from Watson 's mind was a tasty version of fish and chips using ceviche and fried plantains .

  7. 采用DSC仪分析的芭蕉芋淀粉和原料的糊化温度分别为63-66-70℃、68-71-75℃。

    The gelatination-temperature of starch and raw material of Canna edulis ker was 63-66-70 ℃ and 68-71-75 ℃ respectively .

  8. 而同功酶技术、RFLP技术、RAPD技术、SSR技术等的发展和有效应用,使芭蕉属种质资源研究和利用得到了长足的发展。

    And the study and exploitation of Musa germplasm resource have been developed effectively based on isozyme analysis , RFLP method , RAPD technique and SSR technique .

  9. Simmonds等创立和不断完善的可计数分类方法为芭蕉属植物分类奠定了良好的基础;

    The numerical classification method of Simmonds supplied good foundation for the classification of Musa .

  10. 彭文窗(supandi)打开了从布袋中取出来的芭蕉叶包裹,里面露出了两个奇怪的5英寸长的棕色圆柱体,看上去像界于冷杉球果和花生能量棒之间的一种东西。

    Supandi unwrapped the parcel of banana leaves he had removed from his cloth bag to reveal two curious 5in-long Brown cylinders that looked like a cross between a fir cone and a peanut energy bar .

  11. 这里的人说话快,他们匆匆忙忙的方式让芭蕉迷惑。

    People spoke quickly , and their hurried manner confused him .

  12. 姜目芭蕉群植物种子解剖学及其系统学意义

    Seed anatomy and its systematic significance in banana families of Zingiberales

  13. 热带木本植物的一个属,树干高大;有时归入芭蕉科。

    Tall-trunked woody tropical plants ; sometimes placed in family Musaceae .

  14. 芭蕉芋糖化液酒精发酵条件研究

    Study on Flask Ethanol Fermentation conditions of Canna edulis Ker

  15. 芭蕉扇的细分图Tn~的和数

    The sum number of the subdivision graph of Palm - leaf fan

  16. 对芭蕉芋糖化液的三角瓶酒精发酵条件进行了研究。

    The flask ethanol fermentation Conditions of Canna edulis Ker were studied .

  17. 芭蕉三岁时,他母亲去世了。

    When Issa was three , his mother passed away .

  18. 芭蕉芋淀粉在瓦楞纸箱的实际应用

    The Real Use of Canna Edulis Ker Starch in Corrugated Paper box

  19. 结论芭蕉根除能药用外,还有较高的营养价值。

    ConclusionIn addition to medicinal effect Rhizoma Musae also has high nutritional value .

  20. 芭蕉的继母家多年来拒绝和他共住老屋。

    For years , Issa 's stepfamily refused to share the old farmhouse .

  21. 在林子里,芭蕉观察鸟儿,听昆虫鸣叫。

    He watched for birds and listened for insects .

  22. 芭蕉芋淀粉糊特性及改性研究

    A Study on the Modification of the Canna Starch

  23. 管窥芭蕉俳句之中国文化因子

    A Restrictive View on the Chinese Cultural Elements in Matsuo Basho 's Haiku

  24. 芭蕉芋淀粉基可降解塑料膜研究

    Research on Canna Edulis Ker Starch-Based Degradable Plastics Films

  25. 鲜或干的香蕉,包括芭蕉。

    Bananas , including plantains , fresh or dried .

  26. 芭蕉芋淀粉糖化发酵工艺研究

    Technique of scarifying and fermenting process of canna starch

  27. 这使得芭蕉既气愤又伤心。

    This made Issa both angry and sad .

  28. 在芭蕉身上,中国文化的影响是显而易见而不可忽视的,前人也多有论及。

    The influence of Chinese culture on Basho is clear and cannot be overlooked .

  29. 芭蕉芋淀粉的接枝共聚

    Grafting of Polymer to Canna Edulis Ker Starch

  30. 人为干扰对小果野芭蕉群落生物量及多样性的影响

    The Effects of Human Disturbance on Biomass and Plant Diversity of Musa acuminata Community