
bā jiāo yè
  • Plantain leaf;palm tree leaf;Japanese banana leaf
  1. 海南粽子在海南,粽子是用bananaleaves(芭蕉叶)来包的,而大陆的粽子是用bambooleaves(竹叶)或reedleaves(芦苇叶)来包裹的。

    In Hainan , zongzi are wrapped in banana leaves , while dumplings on the mainland are wrapped in either bamboo or reed leaves .

  2. 彭文窗(supandi)打开了从布袋中取出来的芭蕉叶包裹,里面露出了两个奇怪的5英寸长的棕色圆柱体,看上去像界于冷杉球果和花生能量棒之间的一种东西。

    Supandi unwrapped the parcel of banana leaves he had removed from his cloth bag to reveal two curious 5in-long Brown cylinders that looked like a cross between a fir cone and a peanut energy bar .

  3. 食用果子的唯一方法就是将种子脱壳、煮沸,再在水中浸泡或包裹芭蕉叶深埋数月。

    One way the fruit is eaten is by boiling the seeds without their shells , which are then either soaked in water or buried in banana leaves for months .