
shēng jīn zhǐ kě
  • help produce saliva and slake thirst
生津止渴[shēng jīn zhǐ kě]
  1. 生津止渴。

    Help produce saliva and slake thirst .

  2. 延缓衰老、美容护肤、生津止渴、舒筋活血。

    Postpone aging , nourish the skin , stimulate saliva and reduce thirst , relax muscles and accelerate blood circulation .

  3. 本厂生产的酸质蜜饯具有生津止渴的功效。

    Sour preserved fruit made By our factory has the effect of promoting the production of Body fluid and relieving thirst .

  4. 精选茶叶冲泡出淡淡清香,入喉甘润、生津止渴,搭配传统茶点更是合宜。

    Meticulously selecting tea leaves to brew into delicate fragrance ; quenching thirst and helping producing saliva ; proper to match with traditional light refreshments .

  5. 玉竹为百合科黄精属多年生草本植物,以干燥根茎入药,具有养阴润燥、生津止渴之功能。

    Polygonatum odoratum is perennial herbs of the lily family , which uses dried roots as medicine , having the function of thirst , nourishing yin and moistening .

  6. 也许它会藏在饮水机里,没想到我真能在那里找到她,为我生津止渴,取之不尽。

    Maybe it 'll be at the water fountain , and , unexpectedly , there I 'll find her , and much more than my thirst will be quenched .

  7. 有清凉解毒,生津止渴的作用,可用于暑热、烦躁、燥热等症。

    Has the cool disintoxicating , induces saliva and slakes thirst the function , may use in the summer heat , be agitated dry and hot , and so on sickness .