
fān lì zhī
  • sugar apple;soursop;sirikaya;sugarapple
番荔枝[fān lì zhī]
  1. 番荔枝根腐病病原菌的鉴定及其生防真菌的筛选

    Identification of root rot diseases and screening of biocontrol fungi in sugar apple

  2. 但科学家找到了一个自发变异,这种变异可以使毛叶番荔枝的亲戚番荔枝去籽。

    But the scientists found a spontaneous mutation that causes seedlessness in a cherimoya relative , the sugar apple .

  3. 以番荔枝果肉为材料,研究了番荔枝多酚氧化酶(PPO)特性;

    The processed sweetsop pulp was used to study its PPO property .

  4. 不同砧穗组合对AP番荔枝生长及生理指标的影响

    Effects of Different Rootstock-scion Combinations on the Growth and Physiological Indexes of Annona atemoya Hort cv . African Pride

  5. MTT实验结果显示不同结构类型番荔枝内酯类化合物均有很强的肿瘤细胞抑制活性。

    MTT assay results showed that different structure types of ACGs have a strong inhibitory activity against tumor cell growth .

  6. 番荔枝内酯对人淋巴瘤Raji细胞体外增殖和凋亡的影响

    Effect of Annonaceous Acetogenin on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Raji Cell

  7. 最后,制作了大鼠肝癌前病变模型,研究了番荔枝总提取物((AGE)对二乙基亚硝胺(DEN)诱发大鼠肝癌的防治作用。

    Finally , a model of pre-cancer pathological changes in rats was built to investigate the preventive effect of Annona glabra Extract ( AGE ) on rat liver cancer induced by diethylnitrosamine ( DEN ) .

  8. 利用肝组织病理学、免疫组化、血清和组织生化等检测方法,观察了番荔枝总提取物对DEN所诱发肝癌形成的影响。

    By means of liver tissue pathology , immunity histochemistry , blood serum and tissue biochemistry , the effect of AGE on DEN induced liver cancer were observed .

  9. 共分离得到了31种化合物,其中18种新成分,17种为番荔枝内酯(annonaceousacetogenins)类化合物,另一个为含九个氨基酸的环肽。

    31 compounds were isolated , among which 18 were new constituents including 17 new annonaceous acetogenins and a cyclopeptide .

  10. 前期研究证实番荔枝酰胺衍生物FLZ可抑制过度活化的小胶质细胞,具有很强的神经保护作用,但具体作用机制仍然不十分清楚。

    The squamosamide derivative FLZ has been shown to inhibit over-activated microglia and protect dopaminergic neurons in previous studies , but the mechanism remains unclear .

  11. 首先,通过建立移植性肝癌的实体瘤模型,研究了圆滑番荔枝叶乙醇提取物(LAG)对小鼠肝癌HepS瘤体生长的抑制作用。

    To investigate the inhibitory effect of the alcoholic extract from the leaves of Annona glabra ( LAG ) on the growth of mouse cancer ( Heps ), a model of the solid tumor of transplanted cancer ( Heps ) were built .

  12. 番荔枝内酯类化合物(annonaceousacetogenins,ACGs)是从番荔枝科植物中分离得到的一类有很强抗肿瘤活性的天然产物,是目前国际天然产物化学家研究的热点之一。

    ACGs ( Annonaceous acetogenins ) isolated from the plants in Annonaceae have strong anti-tumor activity and are the hot interest of the international natural products chemists .

  13. 番荔枝果肉多酚氧化酶活性影响因素的研究

    Study on the Factors Influencing the Polyphenoloxidase Activity in Sweetsop Pulp

  14. 光叶番荔枝种子的化学成分

    FLASH X-RAY CINERADIOGRAPHY Chemical Constituents from the Seed of Annona glabra

  15. 番荔枝品种选育和栽培生理研究进展

    Advances in Research on Variety Selection and Cultural Physiology of Annona Species

  16. 进境番荔枝种苗根腐病的鉴定与处理

    Identification and treatment of root rot of import seedling of Annona squamosa

  17. 番荔枝果实病害及防治研究进展

    Research Progress on Custard Apple Fruit Diseases and Their Control

  18. 研究了用复合果胶酶研制番荔枝果汁的加工工艺,确定了最佳技术参数,同时探讨了不同澄清剂对番荔枝果汁的澄清工艺。

    The processing of Custard Apple juice with compound pectinase was studied .

  19. 不同种类番荔枝的冻害表现及其抗寒性评价

    Investigation on the Freeze Injury of Annona Species and Evaluation of Cold-Resistance

  20. 番荔枝内酯结构类型及作用机制研究进展

    Progress in the studies on structure types and action mechanism of Annonaceous acetogenins

  21. 成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜。

    The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet .

  22. 番荔枝酰胺的药理筛选结果表明其具有较明显的生物活性。

    The result of pharmacological test has shown the squamosamide having some obvious bioactivity .

  23. 番荔枝属不同品种叶表面微形态的电镜观察

    Observation of leaf surface micro-configuration of different custard apple species with scanning electron microscope

  24. 这就是毛叶番荔枝。

    He was talking about the cherimoya .

  25. 目的:研究光叶番荔枝种子的化学成分。

    AIM : To study the chemical constituents from the seeds of Annona glabra Linn .

  26. 复合果胶酶法加工番荔枝果汁的工艺及技术参数研究

    Study on the Processing and Its Technique Parameters of Custard Apple Juice with Compound Pectinase

  27. 气调贮藏对番荔枝果实耐藏性及品质的影响

    The Effect of Air-conditioned Storage on the Storable Performance and Qualities of Annona squamosa Fruits

  28. 比较了不同温度处理和加入几种抑制剂对番荔枝果肉加工过程中多酚氧化酶活性的影响。

    Constrasted the influence of sweetsop pulp ppo by different temperatures disposal and several inhibitors .

  29. 果皮坚韧、果肉柔软的热带大水果;与番荔枝相近。

    Large tropical fruit with leathery skin and soft pulp ; related to custard apples .

  30. 番荔枝属果树栽培研究进展

    Research Advances on Cultivation of Annona