
fān hóng
  • Saffron;sarranine
番红[fān hóng]
  1. 此外,通过番红O染色评估发现在CIA模型动物中蛋白聚糖丢失更为显著。

    In addition , proteoglycan loss was significant in CIA model , as assessed by Safranin O staining .

  2. 染色:番红-固绿双重染色。

    Dyeing : Use Safranine and Fast Green double dyeing .

  3. 番红褪色法检测羟自由基清除效果研究

    The Method of Detecting Hydroxyl Radical Scavenged by Faded Safranine

  4. 亚硝酸根&番红O重氮化偶联反应机理研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Diazotization Coupling Reaction of Nitrite with Safranine O

  5. 番红O染色示:软骨基质染色浅,失染区域增大。

    Safranin 0 staining shows that cartilage matrix is stained light and the loss of stained area increases .

  6. 西瓜和赤柚含有大量的番红素,能够减少串前列腺癌的风险。

    Watermelon and pink grapefruit are teeming with Lycopene , shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer .

  7. 让他们痛饮一番红葡萄酒,你说怎么样,我的贵客?

    What say you to laying them in a glorious Red Sea of claret , my noble guest ?

  8. 研究了在酸性介质中,亚硝酸根离子与番红O偶联反应的机理,并作为光度分析新方法应用于测定亚硝酸根离子。

    A spectrophotometric determination of nitrite ion and the coupling reaction mechanism of nitrite ion with safranine O have been studied in acid medium .

  9. 小凯:我想要香菜烤羊排套餐,但是这道附菜‘番红花香蒸粉’是什么啊?

    Kai : I want the set meal with the rack of lamb with coriander , but what is this side dish of saffron-scented couscous ?

  10. 小凯:我想我来个羊肉套餐,但你可不可以告诉我附菜‘番红花香蒸粉’是什么?

    Kai : I think I 'll go with the lamb set meal , but could you tell me about the side of couscous with saffron ?

  11. 对照组手术膝关节组织学评分、番红O染色和Ⅱ型胶原免疫组化染色平均灰度值测量结果高于实验组手术膝关节,(P<0.05)。

    Compared control group with experimental group , the histologic score , the grey value of Safranin O and collagen ⅱ control group were higher than that of experimental group .

  12. 组织学观察:常规制备石蜡切片,进行.HE染色、番红O/固绿染色、冯库萨染色、甲苯胺蓝染色、天狼猩红染色。

    Histological observation : the preparation of conventional paraffin sections to carry out . HE stains . Annona Red O / Fast Green staining , von Cusa staining , toluidine blue stain , Sirius Red staining . 5 .

  13. 番红-亮绿染色发现,关节腔骨髓基质干细胞-磷酸三钙复合体有砖红色异染,在小孔内壁有明显软骨形成。

    It was found with safranine-light green staining that there were brick-red metachromia in the complex of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells inside the joint cavity , and there were obvious cartilage formed on the inner wall of stoma .

  14. 我点的沙拉用料新鲜,口感仿佛刚刚从地里直接采摘回来的一般,里面还用到了一些罕见的食材,例如番石榴叶、红毛榴莲叶等绿叶菜。

    My salad was so fresh it tasted as if I were picking it directly from the earth , and with some surprising ingredients , with greens like leaves of both guava and soursop .