
  • 网络tomato virus disease
  1. 应用烟草花叶病毒弱毒疫苗N(14)和卫星核糖核酸生防制剂S(52)防治番茄病毒病的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Application of Vaccine N_ ( 14 ) of TMVt_ ( ts ) and Satellite RNA Bio-Control Preparation CMV-S_ ( 52 ) for the Control of Tomato Virus Diseases

  2. 番茄病毒病调查及其毒源种类的鉴定

    The Identification of Pathogens of Tomato Virus Diseases

  3. 植物病毒卫星RNA生防制剂CMV&S52防治番茄病毒病

    A satellite RNA as a biological control agent CMV & s52 and control of tomato viruses Disease

  4. 对番茄病毒病的主要症状、类型,番茄上TMV、CMV株系分化的鉴定及其遗传规律的研究现状进行了综述。

    The main characters , types , appraisal and genetic rule of differentiation of tomato TMV and CMV were reviewed .

  5. 播种前以10%磷酸三钠浸种、有效防治传毒蚜虫并以NS-83增抗剂或弱病毒疫苗N14处理植株的药剂防治措施,对番茄病毒病有很好的防治效果。

    The integrated control experiment showed that treating seeds with 10 % Na_3PO_4 before sowing , efficiently controlling aphid and properly applying NS-83 or vaccine N_ ( 14 ) in the period of plant growth can control tomato virosis effectively .

  6. 福建番茄病毒病的病原鉴定

    Identification of the pathogens of tomato Virosis in fujian , china

  7. 番茄病毒病的鉴定与遗传规律研究概况

    Survey of Appraisal and Genetic Rule Research of Tomato Virus Disease

  8. 甘肃河西地区番茄病毒病病原种类鉴定

    Identification of Viruses Infecting Tomato in Hexi Region of Gansu Province

  9. 玉米遮阳防治番茄病毒病的探讨

    The Control of Virus Disease of Tomato by the Shade of Maize

  10. 硫酸盐对三氮唑核苷酸抑制番茄病毒病效果的影响

    Effects of sulphates on ribavirin inhibition to tomato virus disease

  11. 河南省番茄病毒病症状类型及毒原鉴定

    The Symptom Types and Identification of Virus Diseases of Tomato in Henan Province

  12. 银川地区番茄病毒病主要毒原种类研究

    A Study on the Main Pathogene Species of Tomato Virosis in Yinchuan Areas

  13. NS&83增抗剂防治番茄病毒病试验

    A Test of Virus Control in Tomato by Resistance Enhancing Agent NS 83

  14. 上海市郊番茄病毒病的毒源种类

    A study on the pathogenic causes of Spring Tomato Virus Diseases in Shanghai suburbs

  15. 福州地区番茄病毒病发生分布及其病原病毒鉴定

    A Study on Occurrence , Distribution of Tomato Virus Disease and Its Causal Viruses in Fuzhou

  16. 哈尔滨地区番茄病毒病的发生与毒源类型鉴定的研究

    Studies on the occurence of tomato virus disease and the identification of pathotypes in Harbin Region

  17. 南京郊区番茄病毒病的毒源类型分析

    An analysis of the etiological types of tomato virus disease occurring in the suburbs of Nanjing

  18. 番茄病毒病的发生与病毒种类、地域和季节具有相关性。

    And virus species , region and climate are relevant to the occurrence of viral disease .

  19. 番茄病毒病是番茄生产中发生严重的病害之一,具有普遍性、爆发性、毁灭性等特点。

    Tomato virus disease is universal , explosive , devastating etc , which is one of the most serious diseases in tomato production .

  20. 连续两年分析发现,性信息素黄板可使番茄病毒病、病情指数分别降低34.4%和23.6%以上,表明性信息素黄板可有效降低番茄病毒病发病率及病情指数。

    Analysis for two consecutive years , sex pheromone board can reduce the viral disease and disease index 34.4 and 23.6 % and above respectively , showing that the sex pheromone board can reduce the tomato virus disease incidence and disease index effectively .

  21. 近年来,由该病毒引起的番茄病毒病在我国部分番茄产区大面积爆发,该病害危害严重、且很难防治,对我国的番茄生产造成了极大的危害。

    In recent years , this kind of virus broke out in parts of tomato grown in China , serious prejudice and difficult to cure was the characteristics of this kind virus , has caused great harm to our country tomato production areas .

  22. 1980年从南京郊区共采番茄病毒病样本614株。塑料棚架栽培的番茄病毒病以烟草花叶病毒番茄株系为主,占样本总数的75.5%。

    614 specimens of tomato virus disease were collected from the suburbs of Nanjing in 1080 . A majority of viruses isolated from the diseased tomato planted in plastic sheds were of TMV tomato strain accounting for 75.5 per cent of the total samples .

  23. 近年来,随着反季节蔬菜种植的迅速发展,番茄病毒病的发生也逐渐上升,发生危害严重,一旦发病则难以控制,甚至导致绝收。已成为影响优质番茄生产的限制因素。

    Occurrence of the virus goes up gradually and brings about serious damage with the rapid extension of slack-season vegetables in recent years . It would get out of control even causes unproductive once virus hit tomato , which has become limiting factor of influence on high-quality tomato production .

  24. 菇类蛋白多糖对烟草、番茄和黄瓜病毒病防治效果研究

    Study on the control of tobacco 、 tomato and cucumber virus disease with fungus polysaccharide

  25. 河北省番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生与分子诊断

    Occurrence and Molecular Diagnosis of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease in Hebei Province

  26. 上海地区番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的鉴定及嫁接接种法研究

    Detection of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus ( TYLCV ) in Shanghai and Study on Graft Inoculation

  27. 播种育苗方式对大棚辣椒、番茄幼苗生长及病毒病发生的影响

    Effects of Sowing and Seedling Propagation Modes on Seedlings Growth of Hot Pepper and Tomato and Occurrence of Virosis in Plastic Shed

  28. 番茄黄化曲叶病毒病在首次发现后,几年内便迅速蔓延爆发,故须立即采取措施进行积极有效的防控,其中防治该番茄黄化曲叶病毒病最有效的方法就是培育抗病品种。

    After tomato yellow leaf curl virus ( TYLCV ) was first discovered , it spread rapidly in a few years . Therefore , we must take positive and effective measures to control the disease , and developing disease resistant tomato varieties is the most economic and efficient method .

  29. 以人工接种TMV的盆栽番茄苗为受试寄主,测定添加硫酸盐对三氮唑核苷酸抑制番茄病毒病效果的影响。

    The inhibiting effect of sulphates on tomato virus disease were determinated by using the tomato plantlets inoculated with TMV as testing plants .