
  • 网络Hua er Festival
  1. 花儿会是洮岷人民盛大的狂欢节日。

    Hua'er Fair is a grand carnival of Taomin people .

  2. 花儿会是变相的庙会形式。

    The hua ' er song competition is a disguised temple fair form .

  3. 还要当心敌人和一些恶劣的花儿会向你喷射种子或者荆棘!

    Also remember to watch out for plants that may spit seeds at you !

  4. 花儿会在天空里开放,我能静静的拥抱着我的爱和幸福

    Flowers bloom in the air , I am embrace my love and happiness silently

  5. 花儿会有着明显的时空特征。

    Third , hua ' er song competition has obvious characteristics of space and time .

  6. 浅论花儿会的变异试论西北回族宴席曲与花儿的音乐特色

    The Banquet Tune of the Huis in the North - west Areas and Musical characteristics of Huar

  7. 花儿会提醒我任何事物皆有消逝之时,对于生命中的美要长存感恩之心。

    Flowers remind me that I should appreciate the beauty in life today because nothing lasts forever .

  8. 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。

    The snowbird sings his everyday song , and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming .

  9. 商业性活动的参与使传统花儿会在现代社会中发生了变异。

    In modern society , traditional Hua'er Festival has shown a variation due to the participation of commercial activity in it .

  10. 第二部分,重点描述花儿会上常见的几种音乐形态和民间仪式,并对其进行分析和解释,认为现代文明对民间文化的冲击是巨大的。

    Second section focus on the usual several music patterns and folk ceremonies , from which modem influences have brought great impact on folk culture .

  11. 她风度不凡,多才多艺,但是思想肤浅,心灵天生贫瘠,内心的土壤上没有花儿会自动开放,没有哪种不需外力而自然结出的果实会喜欢这种土壤。

    but her mind was poor , her heart barren by nature : nothing bloomed spontaneously on that soil ; no unforced natural fruit delighted by its freshness .

  12. 时间上,花儿会的举行主要集中在5、6两个月份和当地的农时节令有着密切的联系。

    In time , the hua ' er song competition holds mainly concentrated in May and June , and it is connected closely with the local farming seasons . " Flowers " is belonged to the northwest China culture .

  13. 就像花儿为什么会如此的美丽是因为有了季节。

    Why are the flowers so beautiful because the monsoon .

  14. 花儿明年会再放蓓蕾。

    The flower will bloom another year .

  15. 公园里一些盛开的花儿可能会让你想起春天或夏天到了。

    A few flowers in a public park may remind you that it is spring or summer .

  16. 花儿怎么会跳舞呢?

    How can flowers dance ?

  17. 没有气息的歌唱,声音就像没有水的花儿一样会枯萎,唱出的声音苍白而干枯。

    It is feeble and withered when singing without correct breathing , just like the wilted flowers without water .

  18. 任何人在看到花儿成长时都会感到幸福和喜悦。

    Anyone can delight in the happiness of watching a flower grow .

  19. 把衣柜里积了灰的碎花裙子翻出来吧,穿上它去参加一场鲜花烂漫的展览。记得要赶早,否则花儿们很快会被游人摘走,或被收集而压榨成一瓶瓶昂贵的精油。

    Before the flowers get picked up by traders , or get turned into a bottle of luxury bathing oil , pull out the dusted floral print dress and head for these blooming great flower exhibits 。