
huā jiāo fěn
  • seed powder of Chinese prickly ash
  1. 这户人家会把这种油浸花椒粉做出的酱料当成佐料,搭配在各种凉拌菜和酱汁中。

    The family used this paste to season all kinds of salads and sauces .

  2. 作为一盘炒菜的最后一道工序,他们像用黑胡椒或者白胡椒一样,把花椒粉撒了上去。

    To finish a stir-fry , they sprinkled on a bit of the ground spice just as if it were black or white pepper .

  3. 花椒粉和花椒油,一般应在汤卤热制好后加入,以起到辅助调味的作用。

    Pepper and pepper oil , should generally be good in the soup after adding brine thermal system to play a supporting role in seasoning .

  4. 倒空以后,忍者再装进去铁粉、盐、花椒粉等。

    Once the eggshell was empty , ninjas would fill it with things such as iron filings , salt , powdered peppers , and so on .

  5. 在他们的一个厨房抽屉里,有一罐油浸花椒粉——这真是个好主意,因为油能够吸收花椒的植物精髓,使之随时可被取用。

    One of their kitchen drawers held a jar of ground peppercorns moistened by oil ─ a brilliant idea , because the oil captured the spice 's zing and kept it always at the ready .

  6. 最佳风味配方为辣椒粉0.6%,花椒粉0.5%,生姜汁1.5%,味精0.1%,黄酒2%,冰水5%。

    The best flavor proportion is capsicum powder 0.6 % , Chinese pepper powder 0.5 % , ginger juice 1.5 % , monosodium glutamate 0.1 % , yellow wine 2 % , iced water 5 % .

  7. 通过花椒生产的主要花椒产品有花椒粉、麻辣粉、花椒油、麻辣油、花椒面、各类配方调料等。

    Pepper by pepper production of major products are pepper powder , spicy powder , pepper oil , hot oil , pepper noodles , spices and other types of formula .

  8. 花椒在火锅中的应用更为复杂,干花椒、花椒粉、花椒油在火锅中均有应用。

    The application of pepper in the pot is more complex , dry pepper , pepper powder , pepper oil were applied in the pot .

  9. 我在1996年弄到些花椒,当时因为不知道什么时候才能再弄到一些,所以我明智地把它们加盐烘焙,做成了花椒粉,在吃炸鸡时当蘸料享用。

    I got my hands on some in 1996 , and since I didn 't know when I 'd get more , I used the peppercorns judiciously ─ roasting them with salt , say , to make a zesty dip for fried chicken .