
huā shēnɡ jiànɡ
  • peanut butter
  1. 我吃了两个放了花生酱和果酱的三明治。

    I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches .

  2. 将蜂蜜搅入后再加花生酱。

    You don 't add the peanut butter until after you 've stirred in the honey .

  3. 宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员比较了美国心脏学会推荐饮食方法和伴有花生酱的高脂肪饮食对降低胆固醇所起的效果。

    Researchers from Pennsylvania State University compared the cholesterol-lowering effect of the American Heart association 's step II diet with a higher-fat diet based on peanuts .

  4. 甜食替代品:尝试原味无糖酸奶,加入浆果和坚果,或者苹果片和无糖花生酱。

    Sweet alternatives : Try plain , unsweetened yogurt with berries and nuts or sliced apples with sugar-free peanut butter .

  5. 《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)称之为雅虎的“花生酱宣言”。

    The Wall Street Journal labeled this Yahoo 's Peanut Butter Manifesto .

  6. 全R型弹性元件机器人手部位姿研究稳定型花生酱的研制

    Position and orientation analysis of the all-r manipulator 's end-effectors with elastic components study on Preparation of stabilized peanut butter

  7. Chris,给我弄个花生酱果冻三明治

    Chris , go make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich .

  8. HPLC法测定花生酱中BHA、BHT和TBHQ

    Detection for BHA , BHT and TBHQ in peanut butter by HPLC

  9. 5.PeanutButter花生酱花生酱的脂肪含量有些许高,然而这是一种对你有益的单不饱和性脂肪。

    Peanut butter is a little higher in fat , but it 's the type that 's good for you -- monounsaturated fat .

  10. 事实上,与中美文化的差异比起来,美国和法国文化的区别就类似于PeterPan花生酱和Skippy花生酱。

    American culture and and French culture seem about as different as Peter Pan and Skippy peanut butter .

  11. 在沙门氏菌疫情证实与一款名为TraderJoe'sCreamySaltedValenciaPeanutButter的花生酱有关后,桑兰迪公司的这个决定影响了众多品牌。

    Sunland 's decision affects multiple brand names after salmonella illnesses were linked to Trader Joe 's Creamy Salted Valencia Peanut Butter .

  12. 四季宝(Skippy)花生酱结合了花生的美味和三明治的巧妙配方。

    Skippy peanut butter combines delicious peanut taste and intelligent sandwich preparation .

  13. 教育科技初创公司Clever的创始人丹·卡罗尔(DanCarroll)也参加了这次活动,他对米塔尔在这种燕麦色的饮品中加入花生酱来搭配金边粉的做法表示了赞扬。

    One attendee , Dan Carroll , founder of the education tech start-up Clever , complimented Mr. Mittal for mixing peanut butter into the oatmeal-colored drink to accompany the pad thai .

  14. 在就职不到3个月的时间内,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)有一系列令人生畏的问题需要处理但这位美国总统最没有预见到的可能就是花生酱问题。

    In the not quite three months since he took office , Barack Obama has had a daunting array of issues with which to concern himself but one the US president may have least expected was peanut butter .

  15. 前几天,就在《财富》(Fortune)杂志社,当几位记者绘声绘色地描述他们颤颤巍巍地品尝Chapul椰子、姜汁、酸橙或花生酱和巧克力棒样品的经历时,有好几位编辑都露出了惊恐万分的表情。

    Some of that trepidation was on display the other day at Fortune when several reporters said they were scared to even try samples of the Chapur coconut , ginger and lime or the peanut butter and chocolate bar .

  16. 台湾原创厨房的秘方里包括Skippy花生酱和番茄酱。

    Secret ingredients in the Taiwan Bear House kitchen include Skippy peanut butter and ketchup .

  17. 1986年,布朗大学(Brownuniversity)发生了一起著名的惨痛案例:18岁的大一新生凯瑟琳·布罗德斯基(KatherineBrodsky)对坚果过敏,她因在餐厅食用了用花生酱加稠的咖喱而死亡。

    In one infamous instance in 1986 , Katherine Brodsky , 18 , a freshman at Brown University with a known nut allergy , died after eating chili that a restaurant had thickened with peanut butter .

  18. 最后,马特斯博士及其同事在2013年发表在《英国营养学杂志》(TheBritishJournalofNutrition)上的一项研究中报告,早餐食用花生酱或花生有助于控制饥饿感,稳定血糖,并可降低食欲达8-12小时。

    Finally , in a 2013 study in The British Journal of Nutrition , Dr. Mattes and colleagues reported that consuming peanut butter or peanuts for breakfast helps to control hunger , stabilizing blood sugar and reducing the desire to eat for up to 8 to 12 hours .

  19. 这家拥有英国和荷兰双重国家背景的消费品公司在去年出售了旗下的Wish-Bone沙拉酱和Skippy花生酱品牌,而且据报道一直在寻求出售旗下的SlimFast业务。

    The British-Dutch consumer products company sold its Wish-Bone salad dressing and Skippy peanut butter brands last year and has reportedly been looking to divest its Slim Fast business , as well .

  20. 研究以蔗糖、牛奶、蜂蜜、花生酱四种原料为4因素,以不同添加量设置3个水平,采用L9(34)正交试验设计,通过人为感观的测定,确定出最佳配方。

    Factor study that determine the best formula by L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experimental design and human sensory as sucrose , milk , honey , peanut butter four kinds as raw materials .

  21. 研究者推荐的食物是Bamba,它是一种用爆米花和花生酱做成的以色列零食。

    The preferred food was Bamba , an Israeli snack made of puffed corn and peanut butter .

  22. 而本月早些时候最新推出的“InstacartPlus”本地价格最低化功能促使比价得到了进一步的推进。它旨在跟踪这家公司数据库中的每家商店,为客户提供瓶装花生酱这类可供商品的最便宜价格。

    And the new " Instacart Plus " feature launched earlier this month pushes comparison shopping even further , tracking every store in its database and serving up the cheapest price for available items like that jar of peanut butter .

  23. 上个月,罗伯特•索拉斯(RobertSollars)的妻子和她最好的朋友出去参加为期两周的游艇游。索拉斯于是买了一堆汉堡肉和花生酱,整个周末都泡在电视前面看橄榄球赛。

    Last week , when his wife left home for a two-week cruise with her best friend , Robert Sollars stocked up on hamburger meat and peanut butter , then settled into a weekend of football on cable TV .

  24. 该公司出售了几个效益不佳的品牌,基本上都是相对不健康的食品,如四季宝(Skippy)花生酱,Wish-Bone沙拉酱和Peperami零食香肠。

    It has been selling underperforming brands that have mainly been in relatively unhealthy food categories , such as Skippy peanut butter , Wish-Bone dressings and its Peperami salami snack .

  25. 那一年以著名的“花生酱宣言”告终这是一份出自高级副总裁布拉德加林豪斯(bradgarlinghouse)之手的备忘录,他在其中批评雅虎试图面面俱到,做所有事情。

    The year ended with the famous " peanut butter Manifesto " , an internal memo from Brad garlinghouse , a senior vice-president in which he criticised Yahoo for trying to do everything and be everything to everyone .

  26. 除了名牌的花生酱,菲利斯什么也不会买。

    Phyllis won 't buy anything but brand name peanut butter .

  27. 就象花生酱黄油和巧克力凑到一块。

    Like the way of peanut butter and chocolate came together .

  28. 味道真不赖,特别是那些花生酱牛油饼。

    It tastes so good , especially the peanut butter cups .

  29. 小女孩的妈妈用很好吃的花生酱三明治招待巴比,巴比非常喜欢吃。

    Her mother treated him to a nice peanut butter sandwich .

  30. 她把花生酱和果子冻混合在一块三明治里。

    She mixed peanut butter and fruit jelly in a sandwich .