
yáng sǎn
  • parasol;umbrella;sunshade
阳伞 [yáng sǎn]
  • (1) [parasol]∶遮阳轻伞,尤指女用者

  • (2) [sunshade]∶遮太阳光的伞,用铁、竹、木做伞骨,蒙上布或绸子做成,有的地方叫旱伞

阳伞[yáng sǎn]
  1. 大卫发现在新环境里交朋友简单多了。n.阳伞

    David found it much easier to make friends in his new milieu . parasol

  2. 拍下这组图片的是48岁的业余摄影师VyacheslavMischenko,他表示组图的颜色和场景让他想起了著名作家莫奈的名画《打阳伞的女人》。

    Amateur photographer Vyacheslav Mischenko , 48 , said that the images ' colours and setting reminded him of Monet 's Woman With a Parasol .

  3. 在曲折蜿蜒的鹅卵石街道的两边,一把把阳伞为露天咖啡馆遮阴挡阳。

    Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets .

  4. 装有阳伞的婴儿车

    a child 's buggy fitted with a sunshade

  5. 爸爸我找不到Mulberry夫人的阳伞了?

    Daddy . I can 't find Mrs. Mulberry 's umbrella .

  6. 不再隐藏的;打开幕布使得没有遮挡;‘discovered’是古语,主要用于戏剧。阳伞是用来遮挡阳光的。

    No longer concealed ; uncovered as by opening a curtain ; ` discovered ' is archaic and primarily a theater term . Parasols are used as a protection against the sun .

  7. 如果你打算领略一番,就在赫尔托特伞店(ParasolerieHeurtault,多梅尼大街85号,网址parasolerieheurtault.com)停下脚步。这家避风港专营的高端手工阳伞由手工艺人米歇尔·赫尔托特(MichelHeurtault)亲手制作,含各种材料和款式。

    When you 're ready to find out , stop at Parasolerie Heurtault ( 85 , avenue Daumesnil ; parasolerieheurtault . com ) , a haven of handmade , high-end umbrellas in myriad materials and styles made by the craftsman Michel Heurtault .

  8. 晴空下,美丽的威尔基沙滩,阳伞如花;

    Sky , beautiful will base beach , parasols like ;

  9. 夏天,每个人出门都打阳伞。

    Everyone walks around with a parasol in the summer .

  10. 女士:我丈夫就像我的阳伞。

    Lady A : My husband is like my parasol .

  11. 这张照片拍摄于1955年,赫本身着洋装举着一把彩色阳伞。

    Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in1955 .

  12. 管它太阳不太阳!阳伞是用来遮挡阳光的。

    Parasols are used as a protection against the sun .

  13. 各色阳伞给夏日待头平添了活泼的气氛。

    Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets .

  14. 那天下午我在阳伞下看书。

    I spent the afternoon reading under the shade of an umbrella .

  15. 你是站在阳伞下那位女士的近亲吗?

    Are you a dose relative of the woman under the sun umbrella ?

  16. 麦克斯,我突然不想喝阳伞饮料了。

    Max , suddenly I don 't feel like having an umbrella drink .

  17. 你对阳伞公司怎么如此了解?

    How come you know so much about umbrella ?

  18. 也许她们是在谈桃子阳伞

    Or they were they talking about peaches and parasols

  19. 你替我买把小阳伞行吗?要素底子的。

    Will you get me a quite plain parasol ?

  20. 阳伞和长袖衬衫也是防晒的好帮手。

    Parasols and long sleeve shirts are also great helpers for sun precaution .

  21. 另外一些旅馆客人坐在条纹花阳伞下面。

    The other hotel guests sat under striped umbrellas .

  22. 龙血树巨大浓密的树冠像把阳伞

    The tree 's huge , densely packed crown acts as a parasol .

  23. 木筏阳伞和沙滩,太完美了!

    Parasol and sand , this is perfect !

  24. 插着小阳伞的热带饮料源源不断。

    Never-ending tropical drinks with the little umbrellas .

  25. 不少女孩子在晴天打着阳伞。

    Many girls carry parasols on sunny days .

  26. 我想你不适合喝这种阳伞饮料,斯坦。

    I didn 't take you as an umbrella kind of guy , stan .

  27. 我们都为阳伞公司工作。

    We all work for the umbrella corporation .

  28. 有人拿走了我们的阳伞。

    Someone 's taking our parasol .

  29. 他们躲在阳伞和充气床下面来避开体积巨大的冰雹。

    They shielded themselves under parasols and blow-up sun beds to stay clear of the giant hailstones .

  30. 一个年长的已婚男子撑一把雨伞或阳伞陪伴新娘。

    An older , married man walks with her , holding an umbrella or parasol to cover her .