
zhuì ròu
  • Excrescence;proud flesh
赘肉 [zhuì ròu]
  • [proud flesh] 伤口或溃疡内的充填的肉芽

赘肉[zhuì ròu]
  1. 唐的腰间沉甸甸地坠着一圈赘肉。

    Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband .

  2. 这个练习对减除小肚子上的赘肉极为有效。

    This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums .

  3. 我大腿太粗,肚子上也净是赘肉,让我很发愁。

    My bulging thighs and flabby stomach made me depressed .

  4. 他肚子上的赘肉堆在皮带上方。

    His gut sagged out over his belt .

  5. 53岁的他腰间长了几磅赘肉。

    At age fifty-three , he now has a few extra pounds around his middle

  6. 虽然他们费尽心思地扮年轻,但是花白的头发和赘肉却将他们的真实年龄暴露无遗。

    Although they are pretending hard to be young , grey hair and cellulite give them away

  7. 一般来说,没有人喜欢自己腰间有那一圈赘肉的。Muffin-top这个说法2003年作为俚语出现在澳大利亚,后来在各个英语国家均被接受。

    Muffin-tops are generally considered undesirable . Muffin-top originated as Australian slang in mid-2003 , but has since become popular in other English-speaking countries .

  8. Muffin-top指腰间被裤子或裙子腰线勒出来下垂的赘肉,看上去像玛芬蛋糕顶部溢出纸托的样子,由此得名。

    A muffin-top is the phenomenon of overhanging fat when it spills over the waistline of pants or skirts in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing .

  9. 长远来看,锻炼与营养膳食的合理搭配才能减少腰间赘肉。

    Exercise and eating nutritious6 foods in reasonable portions will shrink love handles long-term .

  10. 为了参加妹妹的婚礼,我减掉了赘肉,但婚礼之后我就又胖回来了。

    I really burned off the pounds for my sister 's wedding2 but I put the weight back on afterwards3 !

  11. 正是这些脂肪导致了腰间赘肉。事实纠正:喝排毒果汁就能一劳永逸地瘦身——这是个神话。我重复一遍,这是个神话。

    Reality check : It 's a myth -- I repeat , a myth -- that juice cleanses4 can whittle5 your waist for good .

  12. 我说过,他的个子很高,面色发红,满是赘肉,上嘴唇完全被浓密的胡须盖住,看起来就像他只长了下嘴唇似的。

    As I have mentioned , he was large , with a reddened , chubby10 face and whiskers that hid his stiff upper lip completely .

  13. 男版塑形内衣可抚平、收紧、束缚和隐藏坠于腰间、胸部和身上其他部位的赘肉。

    The mirdle is used to suck , bind , restrain and hide love handles , muffin tops , moobs and other fatty areas of your torso .

  14. 配饰也会使你产生靡肿或修长的视觉效果。如果你腹部赘肉很多,则避免佩戴宽腰带,那会使你的腹部成为焦点。

    Accessories can also make you look fatter or thinner . Avoid using a large belt if you have tummy , since you are drawing attention in your tummy .

  15. 在健身房,新年计划族的特征很容易辨认:苍白的皮肤、赘肉、身材走样,还有站在健身器材旁时空洞的眼神。

    Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin , excessive fat , poor form , and blank look on their face as they stand next to any piece of gym equipment .

  16. doublechin双下巴beerbelly啤酒肚sparetire备胎,腰部的赘肉(口语)muffintop腰部的赘肉middle-agedspread大腹便便你有双下巴嘛?

    Do you have a double chin ?

  17. 如果你想在米其林北美公司(MichelinNorthAmericaInc.)工作,腰部的这些赘肉可能会让你付出代价。

    If you want to work at Michelin North America Inc. , that spare tire could cost you .

  18. 1.Danceitoff把赘肉跳出去所有形式节奏强烈的舞蹈都是燃烧脂肪和卡路里的好办法——一小时可以烧掉400卡路里——跳舞同时也是让腰变细的健身强法。

    All types of vigorous dancing is great for burning fat and calories -- around 400 an hour -- and dancing is a good workout for your waist too .

  19. 紧实腿部,腹部,臀部肌肉,减少赘肉。

    Compaction legs , abdomen , buttocks muscles and reduce cellulite .

  20. 感谢收看“怎样减掉腰间赘肉”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Get Rid Of Love Handles .

  21. 我浑身沾满食物残渣,到处是赘肉,肥大的身躯像是硬塞进牛仔裤里。

    I was sloppy , blotchy and bulging out of my jeans .

  22. 颈部有丰富的毛发,允许有少量赘肉。

    It has an abundance of hair ; a slight dewlap is permissible .

  23. 以往她都是选择较为宽松的衣服,巧妙地遮掩赘肉;

    Formerly she chooses more loose clothes , covers up the excrescence ingeniously ;

  24. 随着时间的推移,我可能会重蹈覆辙,再次出现心理“赘肉”。

    in time I may slip backwards and start gaining mental flab again .

  25. 如果他们想下定决心甩掉赘肉,则需要一步一步来。

    And if they want to exercise away their flab they should start small .

  26. 感谢收看“怎样通过调节营养减少腰部赘肉”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Lose Inches Off Your Waist With Nutrition .

  27. 如果你知道一些小窍门,要减掉多余的赘肉会更加简单。

    It 's easier to shed extra pounds if you know a few tricks .

  28. 修饰和紧实那些出现问题的内外大腿赘肉。

    Trim and tone those trouble spots with the inner and outer thigh attachment .

  29. 颈部长度适中,肌肉发达,无赘肉。

    Neck moderately long and muscular without throatiness .

  30. 选择以下健康的食品,帮助你甩掉赘肉。

    Choose one of these healthy foods to help you shed those unwanted pounds .
