
  • 网络sunny beach;Sun of a beach;sun of the beach;Sunshine Beach
  1. 但是大多数欧洲游客却希望找片阳光海滩躺一躺。

    But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on .

  2. 比如阳光海滩。

    Like , there 's the beach and sunshine .

  3. 大多数人去哈利斯科州是冲着巴亚尔塔港的阳光海滩,它无疑是个美丽的地方。

    Most come to Jalisco for the beaches of Puerto Vallarta , and it is undoubtedly a beautiful place .

  4. 虽然澳大利亚一直是消费成本相对高昂的旅游目的地,但每年都有更多的中国人被澳大利亚所吸引,前来享受当地的阳光海滩和不同寻常的野外生活。

    Although Australia remains a relatively expensive place destination , more Chinese are attracted each year to the country 's sunny beaches and unusual wildlife .

  5. 组委会期待在岛上的阳光海滩提供发人深省的、实际的、令人愉快的和放松的三天。

    The organising committee is looking forward to providing a thought provoking , practical , and entertaining and relaxing three days in the sunny Bay of Islands !

  6. 但人们仍可以免费享受里约的阳光、海滩和桑巴舞。

    Rio 's recipe of sun , sea and samba is still free .

  7. 这地区繁华的城市与充满阳光的海滩,展开双臂欢迎游客。

    The region 's bustling cities and sun-kissed beaches are welcoming the visitors with open arms .

  8. 伦敦的天气很冷,这让我感到很难受。我喜欢阳光和海滩。

    The cold weather in London really gets me down-I prefer the sunshine and the beach .

  9. 我们整个假期都躺在岛南端充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。

    We spent the entire holiday lying on the sun-drenched beaches at the south end of the island .

  10. 感到受挫折,难过,悲伤伦敦的天气很冷,这让我感到很难受。我喜欢阳光和海滩。

    ex : The cold weather in London really gets me down - I prefer the sunshine and the beach .

  11. 到夏威夷旅行是我今年的目标和心愿之一,从年初开始便已一直在梦想著夏威夷的阳光与海滩。

    Travelling to Hawaii was one of my goals and wishes of the year . I 've been dreamed the Hawaiian sunshine and the beaches since the beginning of the year .

  12. 阳光、海滩、美食、美酒组成一幅美国加州的风情画,充足的日照令这里出产甜美的水果,还有全美品质最好的葡萄酒!

    A painting composed of sunshine , beach , fine food and fine wine ? Think of California ! Thanks to the plenty sunlight , here produces lovely fruits , as well as the best wine of USA !

  13. 我们在阳光充足的海滩上晒太阳。

    We basked ourselves on the sunny beach .

  14. 阳光照耀在海滩上。

    The beach was bathed in the sun .

  15. 他的脑海中浮现出三个男孩在阳光普照的海滩上漫步的画面。

    A picture of three boys walking along the bright beach flitted through his mind .

  16. 美丽的女孩就是魔法的代名词,在阳光充足的海滩上将会发生什么呢?

    What could happen to a beautiful girl sleeping in the chaise lounge on the sunny beach ?

  17. 在阳光普照的海滩上,我放松得睡着了。

    I was so relaxed by my day at the beach , that I fell asleep in the sun .

  18. 度假胜地通常以其阳光充足的海滩、积雪覆盖的滑雪山坡或锦标赛高尔夫球场来吸引旅游者。

    Holiday resorts usually attract tourists because of their sunny beaches , snow-covered ski slopes , or championship golf courses .

  19. 做完肉馅玉米卷饼,把它们放进烤箱的时候,我满脑子想着的都是阳光灿烂的海滩和棕榈树。

    I focused my thoughts on sunny beaches and palm trees as I finished the enchiladas and put them in the oven .

  20. 这时,我又看见了那阳光火爆的海滩,我又感到了太阳炙烤著我的额头。但是这一次我什麽也没说。

    Once again I saw the red beach in front of me and felt the burning sun on my forehead , But this time I didn 't answer .

  21. 由于欧元的价值由德国规模更大、更具竞争力的工业经济所推动,西班牙无法贬值货币来增加出口商品的吸引力或令阳光明媚的海滩度假胜地价格更便宜。

    Spain can 't devalue its currency to make its exports more attractive and its sunny beach resorts cheaper because the euro 's value is driven by Germany 's bigger , competitive industrial economy .

  22. 海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。

    The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays .