
shěn měi biāo zhǔn
  • Aesthetic standards;standards of aesthetic judgment
  1. 我的审美标准与他的大不相同。

    My aesthetic standards are quite different from his .

  2. 它颠覆了传统的叙事方式,突出了人物的社会属性,带来了新的视觉体验;它开拓了新的审美标准,并且将这种标准结合到了实践中,从而丰富了MV市场。

    It subverts the traditional narrative , highlighting the social attributes of the characters , bringing a new visual experience ; It opened up a new aesthetic standard and this standard combination to practice , thus enriching the MV market .

  3. 杜甫题画诗的审美标准

    Aesthetic standard showed in Du pu 's poems written on paintings

  4. 论书装设计的基本原则和审美标准

    On Basic Principles and Aesthetic Standards of Books Binding and Design

  5. 科学审美标准的建立

    On the Establishment of the Aesthetic Standards of Science

  6. 科技英语翻译审美标准初探

    Criteria for Judging the Aesthetic Value of Scientific Translation

  7. 前者是一种审美标准;

    The former is a standard of aesthetics ;

  8. 满足普遍接受的社交或者审美标准。

    Satisfying generally accepted social or esthetic standards .

  9. 电影已经影响了当前的审美标准。

    Moives has influenced current standars of beauty .

  10. 后来,我通过一种奇妙的方式领略到了文化审美标准中的差异。

    Recently I learned the difference in cultural beauty standards in a wonderful way .

  11. 对阿喜外貌的批评反映出国内当前对审美标准的讨论。

    Criticisms of Angie 's appearance reflect ongoing debates over beauty standards in China .

  12. 这些运动的针对的是身体上吸引力比较大的地方,依据是典型的美国审美标准。

    These exercises target body regions for attractiveness based on typical American beauty standards .

  13. 花费时间和金钱去迎合文化的审美标准,这本就是一种耻辱。

    The time and money we waste trying to meet cultural standards are a shame .

  14. 游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  15. 随着社会的进步和文明程度的提高,军营文化与部队精神文明不断向前发展,其中,军事建筑的审美标准和文化特质有了新的内涵。

    With the development of the society and civilization , military culture begins to improve .

  16. 通过对文献分析,可以得知,魏晋士人以形体的高、瘦、白、丽为审美标准。

    The aesthetic standard of the body is tall , thin , white and pretty .

  17. 那个年代的审美标准,双下颏,水桶腰。

    The standard of beautiful woman in Tang Dynasty , the double chins and bucket waist .

  18. 声情并茂的最佳表达效果才是欣赏者听觉审美标准的要求,使歌者和听者达到情感的交流和共享,使歌唱艺术显示出永恒的魅力。

    In the effective emotional exchange between singers and hearers , singing art displays permanent charm .

  19. 满足审美标准和审美感觉的。

    Satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities .

  20. 对纽兰阿切尔来说,很少有什么事比触犯上流社会的“审美标准”更糟糕的了。

    Few things seemed to Newland Archer more awful than an offence against " taste " .

  21. 审美标准的错失,引发出人们对中国传统绘画的自卑心态。

    The sense of inferiority to traditional China 's painting has resulted from the misjudgement of aesthetic standard .

  22. 你需要做的只是降低自己的审美标准,自信独立就能提升你的美貌,让你与众不同。

    You set your own beauty standards , and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level .

  23. 否则,她就符合了西方社会的审美标准--“身体健全、白皙的身体”。

    otherwise she fits society 's Western standards of beauty with " an abled , white body . "

  24. 诗,应有共同的审美标准:诗所抒写的内心世界,贵在真诚,而此真又应同善与美有联系;

    Poetry should have an aesthetic standard in common , which requires the real reflection of the inner world .

  25. 展品要结合传统文化,要符合人的审美标准。

    At the same time , the exhibit should conform to the aesthetic standard and integrate with traditional culture .

  26. “意境”是中国传统文化艺术的精髓,是艺术的高层次审美标准。

    The artistic concept is the key point of the Chinese traditional culture and the aesthetic standards of high level .

  27. 伴随着中国绘画的发展而逐渐成为艺术创造主要审美标准之一。

    And become art and create one of the main aesthetic standards gradually with the development of China 's painting .

  28. 因此应建立诗歌共同的审美标准,以有利于诗的理论建设与创作实践。

    Therefore , common aesthetic standards of poetry should be established to promote the theoretical construction and creative practice of poetry .

  29. 中国画在造型手法、章法布局、色彩观念及审美标准上都能够给现代平面设计以启示。

    Chinese painting can be a graphic design inspiration from the method performance , composition , color concepts and aesthetic aspects .

  30. 方颌畸形一般不存在咬合错乱,患者求治的主要目的是改善容貌,以求达到东方审美标准的椭圆形或瓜子脸。

    Square jaw is usually not combined with occlusive disorder . and the patient 's purpose is to ameliorate their feature .