
fáng shài rǔ
  • sunscreen;sun block
  1. 要买有高SPF系数的防晒乳。

    NO01 , Buy sunscreen with a high SPF number .

  2. 法兰克∶出发时,你最好带防晒乳和海滩伞。

    You 'd better take some sunscreen for a start , and a beach umbrella .

  3. 含有防晒乳的保湿霜(可选)

    Moisturizers that contain sun block ( optional )

  4. 目的考察伊柔关白防晒乳的防晒效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of sun block for Yirou whitening UV emulsion SPF15 .

  5. 拿起你的游泳衣和防晒乳,去这些水上公园清凉一下吧!

    Grab your swimsuit and sunscreen and head to one of these water parks to cool off !

  6. 研究员强调说,然而,他们的研究结果并不能作为我们可以抛弃防晒乳的理由。

    The researchers stressed , however , that their findings were not an excuse to throw away the suncream .

  7. 红色叶莴苣上的一点点的深红色相当于植物王国中的防晒乳。

    The dark red tinges on a leaf of red leaf lettuce are the plant kingdom 's equivalent of suntan lotion .

  8. 本款不含美白组成部分,其配方能够抵御广谱UVA/UVB射线,协助肌肤使其在使用不含化学组成部分的防晒乳后仍然连结水分。

    Thisnon-whitening formula provides broad-spectrum UVA / UVB protection and helps keep skin hydrated without using chemical sunscreen actives like octinoxate and oxybenzone .

  9. 东京的女性每年花费数十亿购买化妆品与防晒乳,并且用尽手段避免阳光,一见到太阳就撑起阳伞,即使在炎热潮湿的天气,也不惜穿上长袖衣物。

    Tokyo 's women spend billions a year on cosmetics and sunscreen and take drastic measures to stay out of the sun , using parasols at the hint of sun exposure to covering your arms , even on a hot , humid summer day .

  10. 每个女孩都希望有雪白的肌肤,所以高防晒系数的防晒乳可是夏日必备圣品。

    Every girl wants to have snow-white skin , so high SPF sunblock is a must-have in the summer . Fit to all kinds of skin , especially good for dark spot , ringworm and eczema .

  11. 全年都要使用防晒系数十五以上的防晒乳,还有别忘了保护嘴唇。

    Use at least an SPF15 sunscreen all year round , and don 't forget to protect your lips .