
fánɡ hù yǎn jìnɡ
  • Protective glasses;safety glasses;safety goggles;protective goggles;snow glasses
  1. 都是因为你不让我戴防护眼镜!

    Because you wouldn 't let me wear safety goggles !

  2. 防护眼镜,镜腿调节设计,可4位伸缩,佩戴方便舒适;

    Safety goggles , the length of temple can be adjusted in4 different position , easy to wear ;

  3. 使用缝纫机时,建议戴安全防护眼镜。

    For your personal protection , we recommend that you wear safety glasses .

  4. 激光防护眼镜的使用与选择

    Use of laser goggles and their selections

  5. 长时间雪中行驶,驾驶员最好戴防护眼镜。

    Eight , drive in long-term snow mushroom , the navigator had better wear protecting glasses .

  6. 光学树脂防护眼镜片

    Optical Resin Protective lens

  7. 反射式激光防护眼镜

    Reflection-type laser protective spectacles

  8. 透明磨砂镜框,防刮擦镜片涂层,非常舒适的侧面视野无限制的防护眼镜。

    Frosted Clear frame , Hard coating Lens coating and very comfortable cover spectacle with unrestricted lateral vision .

  9. 操作该涂胶系统的任何组件时,务必避免接触高温胶并配戴防护眼镜。

    Avoid ALL contact with Glue and wear protective and safety goggles whenever dealing with any component of the Glue System .

  10. 穿戴日常必需的劳保用品:工作服、安全鞋、安全头盔、防护眼镜和耳塞。

    Apparel usual necessary personal protective equipment : work clothes , protective shoes , crash helmet , protective glasses , and earplug .

  11. 在有危害健康的气体,蒸汽或者粉尘的场所操作的工人,工厂应分别供给口罩,防护眼镜和防毒面具。

    Cotton masks , protective glasses and gas mask should be provided for laborers working in conditions of health-harming gas , steam or dust .

  12. 进入现场工人施工时应正确、合理使用工具。安全帽、工作服、防护眼镜、安全鞋及必要的安全防护用品必须带齐配齐。

    The worker should use tools correctly and rationally . Helmet , overalls , safety goggles , safety shoes and needed safety products have to be taken without exception .

  13. 光疗时戴专用防护眼镜,建立光疗登记卡,详细记录光疗时间的量、间隔时间、反应情况。

    When phototherapy wears the special-purpose protection eyeglasses , establishes the phototherapy register card , records the phototherapy time quantity , the time interval , the response situation in detail .

  14. 安全防护眼镜可以使用,但效果不如护目镜。安全防护眼镜仅用于极热并且湿气太大而导致护目镜无法正常使用的环境。

    Safety glasses have been included in the stock , they are not a good substitute for goggles and should only be used if extreme heat and humidity prevents goggles from being tolerated .

  15. 根据国家标准计量局制订的防冲击眼护具试验方法的国标要求,提出一种眼护具冲击测试仪的研制方案,实现对防护眼镜和防护面罩的安全性能进行可靠精确的检测。

    According to the national criterion for testing shock-resisted eye protection device established by the National Standard Bureau , the shock tester for eye protection device has been introduced in this paper , which can reliably and precisely test the safety capability of eye protection glasses or masks .

  16. 制定了与人眼生理卫生防护要求有关的《激光防护眼镜防护性能测试方法》国家军用标准。

    The national military standard on testing method of protecting performances of laser protective glasses has been laid down .

  17. 结果研制出防护帽、防护颈套、防护眼镜、防护面罩和防护服等可供介入放射学选用的系列防护用品。

    Results Series of protective articles including protective hat , neck scarf , glasses , and other clothings were manufactured .