
  • 网络raised flower bed;folwer stage;Hwadae
花台 [huā tái]
  • [parterre] 种有花的台子

  1. 吃饭时,他从墙上放下木板,他的花台成为支架,楼梯成为凳子。

    To dine , he lowers a plank from the wall , his flower-stand becomes a support and his stairs become a bench .

  2. 在现代绿地中应用形式比古代更为丰富,主要有专类园、花台、花境、花带、孤植、丛植、群植等形式。

    Tree peonies were applied in modern gardens with more forms than ancient time , such as in display garden , flowerbed , perennial borders , etc.

  3. 又有一个花台,上面几株牡丹的枯枝勇敢地立在寒冷的空气中,每根枝头上都包扎着棉花。

    There was also a low terrace where a few bare peony bushes braved the cold . The end of each branch was wrapped in a layer of cotton padding .

  4. 他跨过栏杆,站到花台上,拾了些石子往屋顶上掷去,接连掷了两次,听见石子落在瓦上滚的声音。

    He stepped across the railing , walked over to the flower terrace , picked up a few pebbles and tossed them on to the tile roof of the covered walk .

  5. 他说,花台虽小,但是多一棵植物就多一份都市保水功能,也多一些水气回到天空,加入水循环的行列。

    The garden is small , but every extra bit of plant life is an extra bit of water retaining capacity for the city , and an extra bit of moisture to evaporate into the hydrologic cycle .