
  • 网络Zanthoxylum;zanthoxylum l
  1. 花椒属不同品系种子萌发期耐低温能力

    Low Temperature Tolerance of Different Zanthoxylum Strains in Seed Germination Stage

  2. 花椒属种质资源概况及其种植的生态功能评述

    The Species Resource of Zanthoxylum Genus and the Ecological Functions Review of It 's Planting

  3. 花椒为芸香科花椒属灌木或小乔木,在民间很早就有人采摘其嫩枝、嫩叶食用。

    Rutaceae Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum as shrubs or small trees , was picked very early in its civil twigs , leaves food .

  4. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料及木本油料树种之一。

    Chinese prickly ash tree ( Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim ), which originally grows in China , belongs to family Rutaceae , and it is one of the important species of the tree for flavors , wood oil and spice .