
dòu fu pí
  • Tofu skin;skin of soya-bean milk;thin sheets of bean curd
豆腐皮 [dòu fǔ pí]
  • (1) [skin of soya-bean milk]∶煮熟的豆浆表面上结的薄皮,揭下晾干后供食用

  • (2) [thin sheets of bean curd] 〈方〉∶千张

  1. 其特色是将米粉浸泡在河螺调味的辛辣肉汤中,并加上腌笋、青豆、花生和豆腐皮等配料。

    Liuzhou luosifen , a soup dish dubbed and topped with ingredients including pickled bamboo shoots , string beans , peanuts and tofu skin .

  2. 小份量的“三品”因应了佛教的素餐观:“糖醋排骨”由插入莲藕的一截李子、压成宝葫芦(calabashgourd)样的素鸡以及裹着一把马兰头的豆腐皮做成。

    A trio of small bites offers a nod to Buddhist vegetarian cooking : a sweet , glossy " spare rib " made of a plum impaled on a strip of lotus root ; spiced tofu pressed into the form of a calabash gourd ; and a bundle of Indian aster leaves wrapped in tofu skin .

  3. 微波照射对豆腐皮的杀菌效果

    Germicidal efficacy of microwave irradiation in disinfection of compressed bean curd

  4. 猪肚150克午餐肉1听豆腐皮250克

    pork tripe 150g , thin sheets of bean curd 250g ,

  5. 电渗透脱水对豆腐皮品质的影响

    Study on effect of electroosmotic dewatering on tofu pieces

  6. 豆腐皮是豆腐的副产品。

    E.g.Tofu skin is Tofu 's by-product .

  7. 将豆腐皮用温水浸泡,回软捞出,用干布将水分蘸干。

    Put bean milk skin into water till turn soft & use dry cloth to dry it .

  8. 我做的是拌豆腐皮,爸爸做得是凉拌粉条。

    I am doing is mixed with tofu skin , and my father did was cold vermicelli .

  9. 在豆制品加工中,特别是豆腐皮的加工中,采用电渗透方法进行脱水是一种有效的方法。这种织法虽然特别。

    The electroosmotic dewatering method is a new typical technology in soybean products , especially in bean curd skin . This stitch did take special skill .

  10. 以及一片放在薄煎饼上的烤杏鲍菇片(配有脆豆腐皮、黄瓜以及发酵的豆瓣酱,像北京烤鸭似地把它们卷起来享用);

    and a slice of grilled king oyster mushroom on a pancake with crisp tofu skin , cucumber and fermented soy paste , to be rolled up like Peking duck .

  11. 每天两次,每次豆腐皮一张,不要切碎,酱油麻油冲汤吞服。

    It 's to be taken twice a day , each dose consisting of a soup made with one whole piece of bean-curd skin-don 't cut it up-soy sauce , and sesame oil .