
  • 网络Chronic Laryngitis;Chronic pharyngitis;Chronic laryngopharyngitis
  1. 目的:研究开发一种用于急慢性咽喉炎的中药新药“清喉滴丸”。

    Objective : To study a kind of Chinese new prescription Qinghou Dropping Pill used for treating cute or chronic pharyngitis .

  2. 方法:对130例顽固的慢性咽喉炎患者,行胃镜检查或24h食管pH值监测,将检测的胃食管反流病随机分为A、B两组。

    Methods : One hundred and thirty patients with refractory chronic laryngitis were performed gastroscopy and ambulatory 24 hr esophageal pH metry .

  3. 医生告诉林小姐:她得了慢性咽喉炎。

    The doctor tells Miss Lin : She got chronic sore throat .

  4. 求多年的慢性咽喉炎最佳最快的治疗方法,谢谢!

    Beg old chronic sore throat optimal the swiftest treatment method , thank !

  5. 表现为慢性咽喉炎的胃食管反流病21例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 21 cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease characterized of chronic laryngopharyngitis

  6. 结论:抗组胺药物是一种治疗气道反应性增高性慢性咽喉炎的有效方法。

    Conclusion : Antihistamine medication is effective in treatment of chronic hyperreactive laryngopharyngitis .

  7. 抗组胺药物治疗气道反应性增高性慢性咽喉炎

    Treatment of Chronic Hyperreactive Laryngopharyngitis by Antihistamine Medication

  8. 结论:喉炎宁口服液有助于急、慢性咽喉炎临床症状的改善。

    Conclusion : Houyanning oral liquid is effective in clinical treatment on acute and chronic faucitis .

  9. 病理医师中慢性咽喉炎、过敏性鼻炎的患病率高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Allergic rhinitis of exposed group was higher than that in the contro ( lP < 0.05 ) .

  10. 结论:咽炎浓煎剂对所有受试菌均有不同程度的抗菌作用,且抗菌谱较广,为临床治疗急慢性咽喉炎提供了佐证。

    CONCLUSIONS mistura Yanyan composita was inhibitory drug and bactericide on all test-bacteria in different extent , and antibacterial spectrum was wide .

  11. 此外,接尘组的自觉症状和慢性咽喉炎、慢性鼻炎以及心电图等改变均比对照组发生率高。

    Moreover , the incidence of subjective symptoms , chronic rhinitis , pharyngitis and ECG changes in the exposure group was higher than that of the control group .

  12. 用于上呼吸道感染,急慢性扁桃体炎,急慢性咽喉炎等症。

    Therefore It can be used to cure a series of diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection , acute and chronic tonsillitis , throat swelling and ache .