
  • 网络flowering shrub
  1. 柳州市园林花灌木引种试验研究

    Tentative Study on Introduction of Flowering Shrub in Liuzhou City

  2. 花灌木16种16332株;

    Flowering shrub are 16 varieties and 16332 plants ;

  3. 从作用效果来看,落叶阔叶树类的吸碳放氧、降温效果和SO2的净化潜力最佳,其次为花灌木和针叶乔木树种,草类最差。

    See from the function results , it is best for deciduous broadleaf tree on the potential of absorbing carbon-releasing oxygen , decreasing temperature and purifying SO2 ; next is fewer shrub and coniferous tree , grass is the worst .

  4. 常用花灌木容器栽培基质配方初步研究

    Primary Study on Container Cultivation Medium in Common Use of Frutex

  5. 新优花灌木及其景观应用

    New Flowering Bushes and Their Application on Landscape Arrangement

  6. 合理开发利用野生花灌木&蒙古莸

    Developing Wild Flower Shrub Caryopteris mongolica Bunge Reasonably

  7. 两种野生花灌木硬枝扦插繁殖试验

    Studies on Hardwood Cutting of Two Wild Shrubs

  8. 4种野生花灌木硬枝的扦插

    Hardwood Cutting of Four Wild Shrubs Flowers

  9. 开有亮黄花的花灌木或乔木;这个植物的所有部分是有毒的。

    Flowering shrubs or trees having bright yellow flowers ; all parts of the plant are poisonous .

  10. 燕山东段野生花灌木资源及其在园林中的应用

    Resources of the wild flowering shrubs in the eastern part of Yanshan and their utilization in the urban gardening

  11. 低、无毒农药防治花灌木主要刺吸式口器害虫

    Use of low - toxic and nontoxic pesticides against important pest insects with piercing and sucking mouthparts in flower shrubs

  12. 牡丹作为园中植物素材的主体,可以与乔木、花灌木、地被等多种类型植物相配置。

    As a main body of botany in the garden , peony can be configured with arbors , flowering shrubs and ground covers .

  13. 针叶树应用比例相对较低,平均为13.29%,而阔叶乔木占总株数的40.7%,花灌木的应用比例差异较大。

    Conifers had a proportion of 13.29 % and broad leaved trees were 40.7 % . Shrub applications had a large difference in different kind yards .

  14. 中国西部的常绿的散布的黄色花的灌木。

    Evergreen rambling yellow-flowered shrub of western China .

  15. 留意花、灌木和树,你将受到女神的祝福。

    Heed the flower , bush , and tree by the Lady blessed you 'll be .

  16. 在欧洲长有粉的或紫的或黄的且单独的或丛生的花的半灌木属。

    Genus of European subshrubs or herbs having pink or purple or yellow solitary or clustered flowers : restharrow .

  17. 对同一属内不同生活型植物的花粉数比较,发现乔木的单花花粉数高于灌木,灌木的单花花粉数明显高于草本。

    Pollen grains in single flowers of shrub species were found to be almost ten times as many as that of herbs , while the tree species also have higher pollen grain numbers than congeneric shrub species .