
  1. 浅色花岗岩脉BH-2-3的稀土元素配分模式和所有分析的样品都不一样,推断BH-2-3有可能是古老变质岩部分熔融的产物。

    The REE distribution pattern of BH-2-3 differs however from the patterns of all the other samples . The major and rare earth element geochemistry of BH-2-3 suggests that it was derived from partial melting of ancient metamorphic rocks .

  2. 辽河期黑云二长花岗岩及其脉岩与富镁质碳酸盐岩接触部位对成矿最有利。

    The most favorable locations for jade formation are contact zones between biotite monzonitic granite dykes and Mg-rich carbonate rocks .

  3. 广西新路锡矿田地洼花岗岩与脉岩的地质地球化学特征

    Geological and geochemical characteristics of diwa granites and vein rocks in the Xinlu tin ore field , Guangxi province , China

  4. 本文对矿区的黑云母花岗岩、脉岩、矿石的稀土元素地球化学特征进行了系统研究,认为矿区的花岗岩、中基性脉岩、成矿流体具有同源性,继承性;

    The paper researches REE geochemistry characteristics of biotite granites , dikes and ore , considering granites , intermediate-basic dikes and mineralizing fluid have the consanguinity and inheritance ;

  5. 华北陆块东南缘蚌埠地区花岗岩与相关脉岩~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar定年

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of granites and related dikes in the Bengbu area on the southeastern margin of the North China block

  6. 控矿构造以近东西向和北东向为主,与成矿关系密切的岩浆岩主要是燕山期花岗岩及有关脉岩。

    The magmatic rocks that have close relation with the ore-forming process mainly consist-ed of granite of Yanshanian and related dike rocks .

  7. 其中二长闪长岩和霓辉正长岩,岩浆起源于富集地幔,并有地壳物质的参与;二长岩类岩浆为壳-幔混源,花岗岩类及脉岩类岩浆来源于地壳。

    Among the complex , monzodiorite and syenite originated from enriched mantle , and has the participation of crustal material ; monzonite magma originated from crust - mantle mixed source , and the granite magma derived from crustal source . 4 .

  8. 以花岗岩类及脉岩类的精确定年结果为基础,结合区内金矿床地质特征和近年来研究新进展,探讨了花岗岩类侵入体与金矿化之间的空间、时间和成因关系。

    Based on the reliable chronological data of granitoid and dikes , geological features of the gold deposits and progresses in gold deposit study , the spatial , temporal and genetic relationships between granitoid intrusives and gold mineralization have been discussed .

  9. 秦岭造山带核部新元古代碰撞变形及其时代&强变形同碰撞花岗岩与弱变形脉体锆石SHRIMP年龄限定

    Neoproterozoic Collisional Deformation in the Core of the Qinling Orogen and Its Age : Constrained by Zircon SHRIMP Dating of Strongly Deformed Syn-collisional Granites and Weakly Deformed Granitic Veins

  10. 一种由铁锰钨酸盐组成的矿物,晶体状,主要的钨矿石,见于与花岗岩伴生的石英脉中。

    A mineral consisting of iron-manganese tungstate in crystalline form ; the principal ore of tungsten ; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks .

  11. 北北东向断裂构造控制了山脊走向、河流流向、构造盆地的分布、花岗岩体及岩脉的方向。

    Fault in NNE , it dominates the run of mountain ridge , direction of rivers , distribution of structure basin , and rock chain .

  12. 含锡量及岩石化学特征参数表明:矿田地洼花岗岩为含锡花岗岩,部份脉岩为含锡岩脉。

    Tin content and petrochemical feature suggest that the granites and part of vein rocks are tin-bearing .

  13. 主要矿石矿物为晶质铀矿、铀石,铀矿化主要富集在伟晶状花岗岩内黑云母集中区、伟晶状花岗岩脉与黑云母斜长片麻岩接触带处。

    Main ore minerals are uraninite and coffinite . Uranium mineralization is mainly present in the biotite-concentrated site within pegmatoid granite and at the contact between pegmatoid granite dykes and biotite plagiogneiss .