首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
芳年 [fāng nián]
  • [glorious life] 美好的年龄,指青春时期

  1. 却流露出善良中度过的芳年。

    But tell of days in goodness spent .

  2. 迷人的笑容,照人的光彩,脉脉温情伴送着芳年,

    The smiles that win , the tints that glow , But tell of days in goodness spent ,

  3. 凡在国芳购物广场一年内累计积分满10000分以上者(含10000分),可申办银卡一张。

    All those whose points reach up to10000 or above at Guofang Baisheng Shopping Centre , within one year , can apply for the Silver cards .