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  1. 见婶婶像是睡着了,年青人就小声在叔叔耳边说:“我看见一条蛇。”但他叔叔此时睡得迷迷糊糊的根本反应不过来,开了门以后就回到床上钻进被子里去了。

    His aunt seemed to be sleeping , so the young man whispered in his uncle 's ear . " I saw a snake . " But his uncle was too groggy7 to respond , and he slid back under the covers .

  2. 我对她的消息一下子反应不过来。

    I was slow in reacting to her news .

  3. 那么,如果你反应不过来的话,这种技术的确能够把车停下来。

    So this would actually stop your car if you failed to do so .

  4. 看到这个特别的机器人时你可能一时反应不过来——如果是,不只你一个人这样。

    You might do a double take when you see this particular robot - and if you did you would not be alone .