
  • 网络germ tube;germtube;PGT
  1. AM真菌孢子在土壤中的萌发和芽管的伸长受各种因素如矿物质的种类和浓度、pH值、温度、湿度、光照和宿主植物根的分泌物等的影响。

    AM fungi improve plant growth through their ability to increase plant uptake of P and other nutrients . AM fungal spore germination and length of germ tube were affected by minerals , pH , temperature , humidity , photoperiod and secretory products of host roots .

  2. 相互作用的组织病理学进行了系统的观察。夏孢子接种6h后开始萌发,12h后芽管侵入气孔,此后在寄主细胞内形成吸器。

    The results showed that the urediospore germinated 6 h after inoculation on poplar leaf , and then germ tube grew into stoma and haustorium was formed in the host cell 24 h after inoculation .

  3. 磷脂酶活性与芽管抗体滴度具有相关性,P<0.001。

    The activity of extracellular phospholipase was associated ( P < 0.001 ) with the titre of antibody to germ tube in serum .

  4. 以形态学、芽管试验、血清学方法对88株临床致病念珠菌株进行了分类鉴定,对比随机扩增多态性DNA-聚合酶链反应的带型进行分析。

    Eighty-eight Candida strains isolated from clinical specimens were classified by morphological test , germ tube test , and serotyping , and patterns obtained were further analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers-polymerase chain reaction ( RAPD-PCR ) .

  5. 而且对该酶作用于叶锈菌芽管的产物用DNS法检测,发现该产物是一种还原糖。

    The product of this enzyme to puccinia triticinia germ tube was also tested by DNS method and it proved that this product is a reducing sugar .

  6. 运用ⅡF、SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹技术,证实8株临床分离的白念珠菌芽管表面存在芽管特异性抗原。

    By ⅱ F , SDS-PAGE and Western blot technique , it was confirmed that there were germ tube-specific anti - gens on the surfaces of germ tubes of C. albicans which were isolated from clinical specimens .

  7. 夏孢子芽管染核的适宜浓度为3μg/mL,染色时间为2~3min。

    And that optimal staining concentration for germ tube was 3 ug / mL , and the staining time 2 to 3 min.

  8. 接种后6~12h,分生孢子在小麦穗部的任何部位均可萌发,每个孢子可产生1至多个芽管,新产生的芽管并不立即入侵寄主组织,而是在寄主体表生长扩展;

    Macroconidia of the pathogen germinated 6-12 h after inoculation on all parts of spike , and produced one or several germ tubes , which did not infect host tissues immediately , but continued to extend and branch on host surfaces .

  9. 方法:制备白色念珠菌芽管特异性抗体,采用IEDA对临床病人血清中的相应抗原进行检测。

    Methods : Germ tube specific antibody of Candida albicans was prepared and used to detect corresponding antigen in serum of patients by IEDA .

  10. 另一方面,热空气处理能显著抑制B.cinerea的孢子萌发、芽管生长和菌丝扩展。

    On the other hand , the in vitro experiment showed that HAT significantly inhibited spore germination , germ tube elongation and mycelial growth of B.cinerea .

  11. 大部分体内实验的最佳浓度在体外实验中都有一定的抑菌效果,随着精油浓度的升高,抑制率升高,孢子萌发率降低,芽管长度减小,其中AITC效果最好。

    Most of the suitable concentration in vivo experiments had some kind of antifungal effect in vitro too . As the oil concentration increased , the inhibition rate increased , spore germination and germ tube length decreased , and the AITC treatment had the best antifungal activity .

  12. 白假丝酵母菌菌丝壁蛋白1(HWP1)是已知的白假丝酵母菌芽管和菌丝的特异性蛋白之一,因其在假丝酵母菌的黏附过程中起重要作用而成为近年来的研究热点。

    It is known that Candida albicans hyphal wall protein 1 ( HWP1 ) is one of specific protein of Candida albicans germ tubes and hyphae . It is of great importance in the adhesion , which makes it to be a focus of researches .

  13. 溶菌酶对白念珠菌芽管形成的促进作用

    The Promotional Effects of Lysozyme on Germ-tube Formation of Candida albicans

  14. 芽管顶端膨大、侵染能力降低或丧失;

    Swollen tip part of germ tube with defective or reduced infection ;

  15. 白念珠菌芽管法药敏试验新方法

    A new method for drug-sensitive test based on C.albicans germ

  16. 血清芽管法检测白色念珠菌的药物敏感性实验

    A susceptibility test of Candida albicans by Serum Gemma Test

  17. 芽管直接由表皮侵入。

    The germ tube directly penetrates the surface of leaves .

  18. 缩球囊霉孢子萌发及细胞核在孢子和芽管中分布的研究

    Spore germination and nuclear distribution in spores and germ tubes of glomus constrictum

  19. 牛奶培养基用于鉴定白色念珠菌芽管和厚膜孢子

    Milk medium for identification of germ tube and chlamydospore formation by Candida albicans

  20. 芽管试验法与琼脂扩散法同步筛选抗白念珠菌中草药

    Synchronous Screening of Anti-Candida Albicans Drugs by Germinative Test and Agar Diffusion Method

  21. 小麦条锈菌夏孢子芽管在小麦叶片上结合现象的研究

    The Fusion of Urediospore Germ Tubes in Puccinia striiformis West , on Wheat Leaves

  22. 医用微生态制剂分离菌株对白假丝酵母菌芽管形成的抑制作用

    Inhibition of Candida albicans germination by strains separated from probiotic products for medicinal purposes

  23. 系统性白念珠菌病患者血清中芽管抗体的检测

    Measurement of antibodies to germ tube of Candida albicans in the sera of patients with systemic candidiasis

  24. 萌发时产生一个很短的芽管,并以芽殖方式产生担孢子。

    During germination , a very short germ tube is produced and basidiospore grows as a budding way .

  25. 孢子对光照敏感,全黑暗有利于孢子萌发和芽管及菌丝的伸长。

    Conidiophore was sensitive to light . Total darkness was good for germination and growth of germ tube .

  26. 结论检测白念珠菌芽管抗体在系统件白念珠菌感染诊断中具有一定的诊断意义。

    Conclusion Detection of antibodies to germ tube of Candida albicans may be used to diagnose systemic candidiasis .

  27. 结果表明:附着于虫体表面的初生分生孢子在3~5h后即有60%以上的萌发率,萌发的孢子形成芽管或产生球形或棍棒状的附着胞;

    About 60 % conidia germinated to germ tube or globose appressorium for invasion within 3-5 h after attachment .

  28. 烟草赤星病菌孢子萌发后芽管顶端膨大成球形,芽管停止生长;

    The germ tubes of spores of the Alternaria alternate were swollen then stopped growing after treated with the metabolite ;

  29. 在叶片的下表皮,夏孢子萌发形成的芽管伸长产生附着胞,然后附着胞形成侵入丝,从气孔侵入。

    The uredospores on lower epidermis germinated and formed an appressorium . The appressorium germinated and formed an invading hypha .

  30. 方法:采用琼脂扩散法和芽管试验法对130种中草药进行同步筛选。

    Methods : By means of germinative test and agar diffusion , 130 sorts of Chinese herbal medicine were screened synchronously .