
  • 网络bud scale
  1. 本属的进化趋势为冬芽芽鳞由数枚减少到2枚,花序由总状圆锥花序→复伞房花序→伞房花序→伞形花序。

    This genus ' evolutionary direction : the number of winter bud scale is from many to two , inflorescence : compound raceme → compound corymb → corymb → umbel .

  2. 黄波罗、核桃楸、水曲柳等树木冬芽的芽鳞解剖研究

    Study on the anatomy of winter bud scale of cork tree , Manchurian walnut and Manchu Ian ash spices

  3. 加杨芽鳞提取物的抗肿瘤作用研究

    Anticancer Effect of Bud Scale Extract Prepared from Populus Canadensis

  4. 该螨一年多代,主要以成螨在芽鳞下越冬。

    EPP mainly overwinters as adults beneath bud scales .

  5. 形态特徵:常绿乔木,高可达5米,芽鳞密被白灰色丝光质短伏毛。

    Description : Evergreen trees , up to 5 m high ; bud-scales densely covered with grayish silky short hairs .

  6. 结果表明:萌发早晚与品种的芽鳞厚度、芽鳞表皮厚度成高度正相关;

    The result showed that : ( 1 ) The significant positive correlation exists in the sprouted period and bud scale , also it 's epidermic thickness ;

  7. 以上几个品种叶片发育的规律为:芽下第一叶、鳞叶表皮毛数量较多,芽下第二叶、芽下第三叶、芽下第四叶、鱼叶表皮毛数量较少。

    Leaf growth of varieties was as follows : The first leaf , scale leaf had more trichomes , the second leaf , the third leaf , the fourth leaf , fish leaf had fewer trichomes .

  8. 芽下第一叶、鳞叶气孔器发育不完全,芽下第二叶气孔器发育趋向成熟、芽下第三叶、芽下第四叶、鱼叶气孔器发育成熟。

    Stomata of the first leaf buds , scales leaf were not fully developed , stomata of the second leaf tent to mature . Stomata of the third leaf , the fourth leaf , fish leaf was mature .

  9. 冬芽能否萌发取决于芽鳞的阻碍作用力与叶原基、生长点或花原基萌发力的平衡状态;

    The sprouting capacity of the winter buds was determined by the force balance between the oppressing force of the bud scale and the sprouting forces from the phyllome , growth point or flower primordia .

  10. 为了探讨悬铃木冬芽休眠的机理,研究了悬铃木冬芽休眠过程中芽鳞及叶原基的内源激素变化与休眠的关系。

    The relationship between dormancy and endogenous hormone inside buds scales and leaf primordium was studied in order to explore the mechanism of winter buds'dormancy in Platanus acerifolia .