
sū xiù
  • Suzhou embroidery
苏绣 [sū xiù]
  • [Suzhou embroidery] 江苏苏州出产的刺绣

苏绣[sū xiù]
  1. 在中国的刺绣之中,苏绣被认为是最好的一种。

    Among Chinese hand embroidery , Suzhou embroidery is considered the best one .

  2. 苏绣与佛教文化

    Suzhou Embroidery and Buddhistic Culture

  3. 苏绣技艺精湛,图案丰富。

    Suzhou embroidery is exquisite in workmanship and multifarious in patterns .

  4. 近代以来苏绣艺术嬗变研究

    A Study on the Art Research on the Modern Embroidery of Suzhou

  5. 从苏绣看传统技艺的文化再生

    Look at Cultural Rebirth of Traditional Craft from Suzhou Embroidery

  6. 苏绣自古以精细、素雅著称。

    Su embroidery is known for its delicacy and elegance .

  7. 女红之巧十指春风中国苏绣在乌克兰

    The show of Chinese embroidery from Suzhou at Ukraine

  8. 汉绣古朴庄重唐绣华丽富贵&记苏绣艺术博物馆复制的汉唐刺绣

    An Account on Han and Tang Embroideries Duplicated by Suzhou Embroidery Art Museum

  9. 苏绣以其精致的工艺、漂亮的设计和雅致的色彩而举世闻名。

    Suzhou embroidery is famous for its delicate workmanship , beautiful designs and tasteful colors .

  10. 苏绣是中国四大名绣之一,对吧?

    Suzhou style is one of china 's four famous embroidery styles , isn 't it ?

  11. 苏绣的发源地位于太湖之滨的镇湖。

    The birthplace of Suzhou embroidery is Town lake which is a town near Taihu Lake .

  12. 全球化的文化交流更有利于苏绣艺术的发展。

    Five , the cultural exchange is the advantage of the development of the embroidery of SuZhou .

  13. 继承传统特色的苏绣、杭绣,行销全球。

    Suzhou embroidery and Hangzhou embroidery with Chinese traditional features have been sold all over the world .

  14. 早在三国时期(公元220-280年)就有了关于苏绣制作的记载。

    The making of Su Embroidery was recorded early in the Three Kingdom Period ( 220-280 A.D. ) .

  15. 早在宋朝早期,苏绣已众所周知的优雅和生动。

    As early as the Song Dynasty , Su Embroidery was already well known for its elegance and vividness .

  16. 在传承苏绣历史的同时,更进一步发展宏扬着新时代的苏绣艺术。

    Yao Huifen Embroidery Gallery further promotes and popularizes the ancient Suzhou embroidery arts while inheriting the Suzhou embroidery history .

  17. 苏绣艺术的生命力就在于其历代特别是近代以来的不断改革与创新。

    The Vitality of the embroidery of SuZhou results from the innovation and creation of the past dynasties especially modern times .

  18. 即使在今天,苏绣占了在中国刺绣市场的很大份额,以及在世界上。

    Even today , Su Embroidery occupies a large share of the embroidery market in China as well as in the world .

  19. 1950年后,国家专门设立了苏绣研究所,并开办刺绣训练班。

    In 1950 , the central government set up research centers for Su embroidery and launched training courses for the study of embroidery .

  20. 它在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸收苏绣和广绣的优点而发展起来的。

    Xiang embroidery was developed from Hunan folk embroidery methods , but it also drew on the skills of Su embroidery and Yue embroidery .

  21. 在种类上,苏绣作品主要可分为零剪、戏衣、挂屏三大类,装饰性与实用性兼备。

    Su Embroidery works fall into three categories of piece works , stage costumes and wall hangings , having both decorative function and practical use .

  22. 在明代,由绘画吴门画派的影响,苏绣开始在其竞争对手绘画和书法艺术。

    In the Ming Dynasty , influenced by the Wu School of painting , Su Embroidery began to rival painting and calligraphy in its artistry .

  23. 苏绣是中国四大名绣之一,对吧?她拿起刺绣活儿绣了起来。

    " Suzhou style is one of China 's four famous embroidery styles , isn 't it ?" She picked up her embroidery and started stitching .

  24. 经十数年寒窗的学艺,完整熟练地掌握了苏绣的各种针法及绣制技艺,并深刻领悟了苏绣艺术的诸多真谛。

    After ten years'efforts , she has completely acquired various stitches and embroidery arts of Suzhou embroidery and thoroughly recognized the true essence of Suzhou embroidery arts .

  25. 清代中后期,苏绣在绣制技术上有了进一步发展,新出现了精美的双面绣,仅苏州一地专门经营刺绣的商家就有65家之多。

    In the mid and late Qing , Su embroidery experienced further developments involving works of double-sided embroidering . There were 65 embroidery stores in Suzhou City .

  26. 但苏绣是一种特殊的手工业,是工艺美术手工业,在审美和情趣方面具有不同于一般手工业的独特表现。

    However , Suzhou embroidery is a special handicraft , a combined form of art and handicraft , with unique aesthetic and temperamental features different from general handicraft .

  27. 民国时期(公元1912~1949年),由于常年战乱,苏绣业曾一度衰落。新中国成立后,苏绣得到进一步的恢复和发展。

    During the Republic of China period ( 1912-1949 ), the Su embroidery industry was in decline due to frequent wars and it was restored and regenerated after the founding of new China .

  28. 的历史发展过程中,苏绣在艺术上形成了图案秀丽、色彩和谐、线条明快、针法活泼、绣工精细的地方风格。

    In the long history of its development , Su Embroidery has gradually acquired its unique art style of pretty design , harmonious color , sprightly lines , lively needlework and fine workmanship .

  29. 其创办人是中国近代苏绣大师沈寿的第四代传人&研究员级高级工艺美术师、苏州市工艺美术大师姚惠芬和高级工艺美术师姚惠琴女士。

    Yao Huifen , who is the senior arts and crafts artist and Suzhou arts and crafts master as well as the heir of the fourth generation of Shen Shou , the modern Suzhou embroidery master .

  30. 本文认为中小苏绣企业,要根据自己的实际情况,结合市场需求的特点,找到适合自己生存和发展的细分市场,制定出切实可行的企业战略,一步步发展壮大。

    Combined with the characteristics of market demand , the small and medium sized embroidery enterprises in Suzhou ought to figure out their segmented market and make feasible strategies so as to survive and develop according to their situation .