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  1. 苏洵与王安石思想异同论

    On the Contradiction of the Thoughts of SU Xun and WANG An-shi

  2. 苏洵杂学特色及其文艺思想

    Su Xun 's " Za Xue " Feature and Literary Artistic Thought

  3. 学界对苏洵的研究一向甚为薄弱,尤其对其文艺思想研究更少。

    The academia makes little study of Su Xun , especially of his literary artistic thought .

  4. 为苏洵文学创作进行分期,分析不同时期苏洵的创作情况。

    Su Xun Literature for the phased , point out Su Xun two periods of the creative changes .

  5. 苏洵坚持儒家仁义为本的基本原则,崇敬孔子,认为孔子之圣见于行事。

    He insists on the basic principles " benevolence " in Confucianism , adores Confucius and thinks highly of Confucius as a man wise in adaptation to situations .

  6. 在近现代的中国哲学史研究中,对两宋哲学史的研究大多着眼于理学与新学,而苏洵、苏轼、苏辙为代表的蜀学却一直被置于冷落的境地。

    In the study of modern Chinese philosophy , researches on History of Philosophy in North and South Song Dynasties focus on Neo-Confucianism and New Learning whilst Shu Xue represented by Su Xun , Su Shi and Su Zhe is snubbed for quite a long time .

  7. 北宋在散文上的成就也是巨大的,其中欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩,与唐代的韩愈、柳宗元并称“唐宋古文八大家”。

    The prose writing reached another height : Ouyang Xiu , Su Shi , Su Xun , Su Che , Wang Anshi , Zeng Gong of the Song Dynasty and Han Yu , Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty were called The Eight Most Prominent poets of the Tang and Song . "