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  • 网络Huang T'ing-Chien;huang;Huang Ting
  1. 黄庭坚书法艺术观管见

    My Humble Opinion of Outlook of Huang Ting Jian 's Calligraphy Art

  2. 黄庭坚诗歌传播与接受的文本预结构

    The Text Structures of HUANG Ting-jian 's Poems Provided for Readers ' Communicating and Acceptance

  3. 论高丽、李朝诗人对黄庭坚诗学的接受与变通

    Huang Tingjian ′ s Poetics : Its Acceptance and Reform in Koryo and Choson Dynasty

  4. 从内容到创作构思、表现形式、艺术风格等方面,黄庭坚的诗法理论及审美理念都对其后期词的创作有所渗透表现。

    His poem theory and aethetic idea had influenced the creation of Ci in his later time .

  5. 总之,本文通过一系列的考察与分析就是想明确黄庭坚题画诗是美术学研究中的重要课题,对黄庭坚题画诗的深入研究必定会让我们对北宋的文人画思潮有更为深刻的认识。

    And with this deep research , we will fully understand Literary Painting thoughts in North Song Dynasty .

  6. 从其诗文可以看出黄庭坚对《楞严经》相当了解和熟悉。

    From his poem and essays , we could see that he was quite familiar with Leng Yan Sutra .

  7. 第一章按仕途分期,对黄庭坚的行踪及其纪行诗作概要叙述。

    The first chapter by career stage , the whereabouts of their adventure in poetry Huang Ting summary statement .

  8. 本文从分析黄庭坚的《题山谷石牛洞》诗入手,指出他和禅宗,特别是与临济宗的关系。

    Huang and Buddhism Zen , especial the Linji school through analyzing the poem about Stone-bull-hole beside the Shangu Temple .

  9. 黄庭坚的诗歌趣味来源于对道教传统的继承。

    Huang Tingjian is highly of Taoist complex , and his poetic taste comes from his carrying forward the Taoist tradition .

  10. 黄庭坚的心法&江西诗派活法美学思想溯源

    HUANG Ting-jian 's " Law of the Heart ": the Aesthetic Origin of the " Flexible Law " of the Jiangxi School of Poetry

  11. 黄庭坚是宋代著名的文学家与书法家,也是著名的书画艺术鉴赏家,他的画论在北宋的艺术理论中非常重要,也与其艺术创作有不可分割的关系。

    Huang Ting-jian is the famous litterateur and calligrapher and connoisseur of calligraphy and painting . His theory for the brushwork is relationship of his works .

  12. 在实际创作中,韩诗作为一个重要艺术渊源,是黄庭坚进一步学杜的艺术中介。

    In practice , Han 's poems , as an important artistic origin of Huang 's poems , were artistic intermediary for him to learn Du Fu .

  13. 内容提要:黄庭坚作为一位宋代文人书法艺术家,他在诗词、书法艺术和理论等多个领域都有极深的造诣。

    Content : HuangTingjian , as a literati calligraphy artist , he had a deep attainments in the fields of poetry , calligraphy art and theory , etc. .

  14. 黄庭坚既是宋诗的代表性作家、江西诗派的开创者,又是一名虔诚的佛教居士。

    Huang Ting-jian , being one of the representatives of the poets in Song Dynasty and the creator of the Jiang Xi Poets Society , was also a devout Buddhist .

  15. 也正是伴随这些经历,黄庭坚的书法风格成功地实现了从变而未通向白成一家的飞跃。

    However , just being with the experience , his calligraphy style realized a leap from the " alterable but not skillful " to " forming an individual style " successfully .

  16. 江西诗派后学张“一祖三宗”之说,虽然远绍杜甫,但黄庭坚才是江西诗派的实际开创者,他正是通过学杜形成自己独特的诗歌风貌的。

    Jiangxi Poem School held the saying " one originator , three models ", though they followed Du Fu , yet Huang Tingjian was the real pioneer of Jiangxi Poem School .

  17. 二是以诗本位的视角将庾信作为一个诗人来看,庾信多被肯定。杜甫、黄庭坚是此类典型代表。

    The second is to regard Yu Xin as a poet from the poet standard angle , than Yu Xin is mostly accepted , taking Du Fu and Huang Ting-jian as representative .

  18. 在这种背景下,以王安石、苏轼、黄庭坚为代表的创新期诗人,不再像前期诗人那样,出于政治上的目的,刻意选择某种诗体,而是着力探讨诗歌自身的美学特色。

    In this background , the poets in the stage of innovation have no longer sedulously choice some poetry style as before because of some political reasons . They exert themselves to discuss the esthetical feature of poetry .

  19. 黄庭坚代表的江西诗派理论以及像陶渊明等追求平淡风格的诗人,其有意摆落世俗、不愿同流合污的主体精神更具有一种以反常而求真实的哲学意义。

    As for poets in pursuit of a plain style , their subjective spirit of ridding themselves deliberately from worldliness and the tide of fashion is of more philosophical significance in seeking reality by virtue of the abnormal .

  20. 黄庭坚诗歌为读者传播与接受提供的文本预结构可分为内结构与外结构两大类,在内结构方面,主要有内敛的情感、陌生化的意象、不俗的诗歌境界;

    The text structures of HUANG Ting-jian 's poems provided for readers ' communication and acceptance may divide into two classes : inner structure and outer structure . In the aspect of inner structure , it mainly includes inner feelings , strange image and elegant poetry confines ;

  21. 黄庭坚诗歌的接受历程与前后七子的兴衰相消长:前七子兴起之前,在明初诗坛的宗唐宗宋之争中,宗宋一派总体呈强势,黄庭坚诗歌往往被标举;

    Its popularity rose and fell with the first and the second Seven Men of Letters : before the rising of the first Seven Men of Letters , the school of learning from Song poetry was at an advantage , and Huang Ting-jian 's poems were often praised ;