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  • 网络Zeng Gong;gong;zenggong
  1. 曾巩墓志铭之特色及其价值

    The Characteristics and Value of Zeng Gong ' Epitaphs

  2. 其中以欧阳修为主,以曾巩、王安石为两翼。

    Among them , Xiu-based , with Zeng Gong , Wang Anshi and the two wings .

  3. 宋代佛教与官府财政的关系&以曾巩与苏轼的见解为例

    The Relationship Between Buddhism in the Song Dynasty and Feudal Official Finance

  4. 第三章为曾巩的文学思想与其创作实践。

    The third part studies his literature thinking and practice .

  5. 曾巩文学思想研究

    Research on the Literature Thinking of Zeng Gong

  6. 以曾巩为代表的南丰曾氏,是郡邑之望族,江南之大家。

    Nanfeng Zeng Clan represented by Zeng Gong was a distinguish family in both local area and Jiangnan region .

  7. 欧阳修、曾巩论墓志铭&古代传记理论研究之一

    OUYANG Xiu and ZENG Gong 's Views on Epitaph ── A Research into the China 's Ancient Biographic Theory

  8. 曾巩是宋朝时期(960-1279年)最杰出的散文家之一。

    Zeng is considered one of the greatest prose writers of the Song Dynasty era ( 960 to 1279 AD ) .

  9. 作为唐宋八大家之一的曾巩,他不仅是一个优秀的诗人和散文大家,同时还是一位优秀的传记创作者。

    Zeng Gong as the Tang and Song , he is not only a poet and prose , but also an excellent biography of creators .

  10. 研究曾巩的文学思想,旨在做探本析源之考查,以便更清楚地了解曾巩的文学创作实际及其在文学史上之贡献。

    This paper , focusing on his literature thinking , intends to do further research in order to know his writings and contribution to the literature history .

  11. 曾巩的挤压见解与苏轼利用佛教生财的主张,表面看似对立,但二人的主旨却是一致的,即通过对佛教资源的再分配,解决政府的财政危机。

    They seem opposing , but in reality their major views are the same , namely , solving feudal official financial crisis through re-distribution of Buddhist resources .

  12. 据新闻门户网站澎湃新闻报道,该信件是中国古代学者曾巩唯一的传世墨宝,创作于大约936年前。

    The letter is the last surviving work of Chinese scholar Zeng Gong , who penned it around 936 years ago , popular news website ThePaper.cn reports .

  13. 在这封写于其晚年时期的信中,曾巩向一个朋友讲述了其政途坎坷以及被孤立的感触。

    In the letter , written in the later years of his life , Zeng tells a friend about his recent political difficulties and a feeling of isolation .

  14. 总体上,曾巩认为道德修养比文章修养更重要,但同时又文道兼顾,认为二者是相互联系,密不可分的。

    He believed that the Tao ( content ) is more important than the Wen ( form ) in essays , and the two should be kept in harmony .

  15. 在中国散文史上,曾巩是一位非常有影响力的作家,名列八大家之属。

    In the prose history of China , Zeng Gong is a very influential writer , and was one of the eight influence writer of the Tang and Song dynasty .

  16. 其次,在传记的选材上,曾巩主张写人人所易到之事,并采用详者人数事、略者一二事而已的方法进行创作。

    Secondly , in the biographical material , Zeng Gong wrote that " everyone is easy to do ", and the " detail number , one or two things slightly " methods to create .

  17. 然而,欧阳修活了下来,他所支持的文风也改变了中国文学的发展方向,欧阳修赞扬提拔了一些像苏东坡、苏辙和曾巩这样才华横溢的年轻作家。

    He survived , however , and the literary style championed by him set a new course for Chinese literature . He praised and promoted brilliant young writers such as Su Dongpo , Su Zhe , and Zeng Gong .

  18. 最后,在传记作家的素养上,曾巩提倡蓄道德而能文章是传记创作者必备的两个条件,只有做到这两点,才能创造出鼓舞人心、流传后世的优秀传记。

    Finally , in biographer literacy , Zeng Gong advocated a " moral storage and article " is a biographical creator necessary conditions , only do these two points , in order to create inspiring , handed down to posterity of the excellent biographical works .