
  • 网络Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng
  1. 略论曾侯乙墓鼓乐器的组合与功能

    Discussion on Assembling and Function of Drums from Zeng Hou Yi Tomb

  2. 尤其是曾侯乙墓编钟的出土,又成为先秦音乐辉煌的见证。

    Especially , the discovery of set bell chimes in the tomb of Yi serves as the splendid testimony of music in those days .

  3. 湖北随州战国曾侯乙墓的发掘,是“20世纪中国百项考古大发现”的一项。

    The excavation of Zen Marquis Yi tomb of Warring States in Suizhou , Hubei is one of " one hundred great archaeological discoveries of China of the20th century " .

  4. 曾侯乙墓的出土,使我们了解了先秦音乐的发展达到了辉煌的顶峰。

    The discovery of the tomb of Yi ( Yi , a marquis in State Zeng ), makes people realize that music of pre-Qin period has reached its the peak .

  5. 中国传统绘画艺术特征的形成,是在战国早期至西汉早期这段时间,这个时期的绘画主要以曾侯乙墓漆画和马王堆汉墓帛画为代表。

    Characteristics of traditional Chinese painting art form form in the early Western Han Dynasty to the early Warring States period of time , the paintings of this period are mainly Mawangdui tomb painting and silk painting .

  6. 曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。

    Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi , Warring States Period , unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb , in the Hubei Provincial Museum .