
  • 网络Soho
  1. 在纽约的时候,我喜欢住在苏豪区的尚园酒店(TheMercerHotel)。

    In New York , I like the Mercer hotel in Soho .

  2. 在那时,他已经在伦敦的苏豪区(SOHODistrict)成立了武器与健康文化巴顿术学会(BartitsuAcademyofArmsandPhysicalCulture)。

    By then , he had established the Bartitsu Academy of Arms and Physical Culture in London 's Soho district .

  3. 在苏豪区(SoHo)的Molteni&C店内,他挑出一款再版的五斗柜,设计师是意大利建筑师吉奥·庞帝(GioPonti)。

    At Molteni & C in SoHo , he pointed out a reissued chest of drawers by the Italian architect Gio Ponti .

  4. 周四,新传记的两位作者将在苏豪区(SoHo)的苹果商店内展开新书讨论会,回答有关问题,可谓是苹果公司对传记认可的又一标志。

    In another sign of the company 's implicit approval of the biography , the writers will discuss the book and field questions about it on Thursday at the Apple store in SoHo .

  5. 20世纪90年代中期,在苏豪区的Moss画廊,你一眼就能看到海拉·荣格里斯(HellaJongerius)、马塞尔·万德斯(MarcelWanders)和于尔根·贝(JurgenBey)的作品,这些人都是从楚格设计走出来的超级明星。

    In the mid-1990s , at the SoHo gallery Moss , you could catch your first glimpse of work by Hella Jongerius , Marcel Wanders and Jurgen Bey , Droog designers who grew into superstars .

  6. 为了形象描绘出自己这个观点,他在苏豪区(SoHo)的莫罗索(Moroso)家具展览厅里约见了一位记者,那里有一面由方块堆成的墙,上面打着各种颜色的光,用来展示家具。

    To illustrate the point , he met a reporter at the Moroso showroom in SoHo , where a wall of stacked squares lighted in various colors is used to display furniture .

  7. 相比之下,PizzaExpress计划在其拥有400家餐厅的英国每年开张20家新餐厅。上月,这家比萨连锁店庆祝了其首家餐厅在伦敦苏豪区(Soho)开张50周年。

    This compares with a target of 20 openings a year in the UK , where PizzaExpress has 400 restaurants , and last month celebrated 50 years since its first outlet was opened in Soho .

  8. 1999年,他们用400万美元,在苏豪区拉法叶特街(Lafayetter)买下了一套上下两层的顶层公寓,一直在那里住到现在。

    In 1999 , they paid $ 4 million for two penthouses ( an upstairs-downstairs ) on Lafayette Street in SoHo , where they remained .

  9. 纽约苏豪区和翠贝卡地区的当地餐厅正在变成高层公寓,很多人担心东京也会出现类似的情况。

    New York enclaves like Soho and TriBeCa are losing local restaurants to high-rise condos , and many fear the same is happening in Tokyo .

  10. 2009年,楚格设计在苏豪区开了一家自己的商店,经营不到两年时间,最终变成了一处古怪的复式空间,和全球经济危机的牺牲品。

    In 2009 , Droog itself created a SoHo shop . It lasted less than two years , a casualty of an awkward duplex space and a global economic crisis .