
  1. 理性思考苏锡常都市圈生态建设

    A Rational Thinking of the Eco Construction of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Region

  2. 培育苏锡常都市圈网络化空间结构

    Establishing the Networked Spatial Structure of Suzhou , Wuxi & Changzhou Metropolitan Region

  3. 轨道交通建设对区域发展的影响分析&以苏锡常都市圈为例

    Impact of rail transit con - struction of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area on Regional Development

  4. 苏锡常都市圈轨道交通投融资研究

    A Study of Rail Transit Financing in Suzhou 、 Wuxi 、 Changzhou Metropolitan Area

  5. 发展战略联盟是苏锡常都市圈建设的可行选择

    Developing Strategic Alliance Is a Feasible Choice to Construct the Metropolis Area of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou

  6. 苏锡常都市圈区域文化与旅游资源的整合研究

    On unification of the metropolitan culture of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou and tourism resources of the three cities

  7. 苏锡常都市圈利用外商直接投资的对比研究

    A Comparative Study of the Utilizations of Direct Foreign Investment in the Urban Circle of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou

  8. 苏锡常都市圈空间关系研究苏锡常城市群的结构优化与集群发展

    Study on the Spatial Relation of Suzhou , Wuxi & Changzhou Metropolitan Area Structural Optimization and Collective Development of the Metropolis Area of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou

  9. 提出了培育苏锡常都市圈网络化空间结构的思路和内容,并以网络化的基础设施和公共设施的规划、布局支撑这一体系的形成和运作。

    This paper suggests the ideology and contents of establishing the networked spatial structure of Suzhou , Wuxi & Changzhou metropolitan region in the support of networked regional infrastructure and public facilities .

  10. 城市经济中心性与区域生态环境敏感性、行政区经济的“地方性”与生态经济的“区域性”是苏锡常都市圈生态建设所面临的两个主要矛盾。

    The centralization of urban economy vs. the sensibility to regional eco environment and " localization " of district economy vs. " regionalization " of eco economy are the two main problems in the eco construction of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Region .