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  1. 而工作流技术会把业务过程逻辑和应用逻辑分离开来,若其应用于办公自动化系统将会使开发出来的OA系统易于修改、扩展和维护。

    The workflow technology will separate business process logic from application logic , and the developed OA system will be easy to modify , extend and maintain applying the workflow technology .

  2. 同样,若其他人更改了您希望应用于您的副本的存储库,只要在PackageExplorer中选中文件,并从上下文菜单中选择Team/Update即可。

    Likewise , if someone else has made changes in the repository you want to apply to your copy , just select the file in the Package Explorer and choose Team / Update from the context menu .

  3. 在她得若其事。

    Now she 's behaving as if nothing had happened .

  4. 若其来量过大,就会造成巨大的灾害。

    If flood is overly great , it would set off huge harm .

  5. 然而,若其变湿,其通透性及气流阻力可能增大。

    However , their permeability and airflow resistance may increase if they become wet .

  6. 但若其必两度遭逢毁灭,

    But if it had to perish twice ,

  7. 欧盟委员会准以决定的方式对事业或事业的联合施以罚金,若其,无论是故意还是过失。

    The Commission may by decision impose fines on undertakings and associations of undertakings where , either intentionally or negligently .

  8. 企业形象广告是一种独立的广告类型,若其被滥用则会对消费者权益和市场竞争秩序造成损害。

    Corporate image advertising would bring detriment to consumers ' rights and market competition order if it were to be abused .

  9. 洪水具有双重性,若其来量不对人类生存和发展构成危害时,是可利用水资源的一部分;

    Flood has dual nature , if flood don 't harm human , it is the usable part of water resources .

  10. 对欧氏空间中的子流形M,若其法联络平坦,则存在平行的法向量场,由此可得与M平行的子流形M。

    Let M be a Submanifold of Euclidean space with flat normal connection , then there exist parallel normal vector fields .

  11. 若其威胁成真,将是朝鲜的第二次核试验;该国曾在2006年在地下引爆了一个核装置,其成功程度不明。

    This would be North Korea 's second nuclear test : it detonated an atomic device underground with uncertain success in 2006 .

  12. 对并联机器人机构,若其动平台与固定平台由三弹簧联接,则组成并联机器人空间三弹簧系统。

    A parallel robot mechanism becomes a spatial three-spring system when its moving platform is connected to fixed platform by three in-parallel springs .

  13. 知若其所造成的是正反馈,那么,不管它多么生动、形象,都是失败的修辞;

    If it causes a positive feedback , it will be an unsuccessful rhetorical device no matter how vivid and concrete it is .

  14. 管理人员,若其工作领域需要使用到计算机系统,则应当接受合理管理和使用计算机系统的培训。

    Persons in responsible positions should have the appropriate training for the management and use of systems within their field of responsibility which utilises computers .

  15. 然而,若其价格一直居高不下,驴奶酪的健康价值也无法早日惠及大众。

    But unless it becomes cheaper to produce , it 's unlikely donkey cheese is going to give the wider population a health-boost any time soon .

  16. 它们的杀伤力巨大,若其安全性和可靠性得不到保证,势必将造成无法预料的灾难性的后果。

    Because of their huge lethality , it is bound to result in unpredictable and disastrous consequences , if we can not guarantee its safety and reliability .

  17. 尿内溶解着多种盐类,若其浓度过高,过剩的盐类即沉淀为固体颗粒,称为结石。

    Urine contains many salts in solution , and low fluid volume or high mineral concentration can cause these salts to precipitate and grow , forming stones .

  18. 第三,世界大多国家都会规定进口至本国车辆的型号,若其型号不在规定范围内,有些国家会禁止使用未注册型号的车辆。

    Third : The majority of the world countries specify the models that may be imported and some countries prevent use of non-registered cars if they exceed the specified models .

  19. 应收账款是企业较常用的一种商业信用促销方式,若其长期挂账不能及时收回,便会影响企业经营效益。

    Receivable account is a common enterprise business credit promotion way , and if it stays in the account and can not be claimed back , it surely will influence the enterprise business benefit .

  20. 若其自身或家属强烈要求期待治疗,应选择有条件的三级医院,并根据母胎状况组织多学科会诊。

    If the pregnant women themselves or their families look forward to strong demand treatment , should be in selected tertiary hospitals , and base on the maternal-fetal status a multi-disciplinary consultation should be organized .

  21. 对于一个现有的除尘系统,若其除尘器、通风机的工作能力有足够的富余量,则可以在该系统管网上加接新的支管,来治理新的扬尘点。

    A dust collection system in exist may be added the new branch vent - pipe to on condition that the duster and the fanner of it are capable of doing more work , so that it can control new dust source spot .

  22. 尤其是当帝王取得政权的手段并不正当,但若其在位期间注重德行,施行仁政,其统治的合法性依然会得到民众的认可。

    Especially , if a king paid attention to his morality , and adopted the policy of benevolence , although his means of coming into power was not legitimate , the legality of coming into power still could be recognized by the people .

  23. 进一步,若将其与常用的GPS数据处理软件相结合,可使后者在提供平面控制的同时,也能提供一定等级的高程控制。

    Furthermore , when combined with general GPS data-processing software , it can provide some degree of vertical control additionally to the latter 's horizontal control .

  24. 据报导,德国称若要其同意以国际货币基金组织(IMF)和欧盟联手向希腊提供帮助的方案,就要满足一些先决条件。

    According to reports , Germany requires several criteria be met before it agrees to some sort of IMF-EU bailout for Greece .

  25. 您可通过命令行使用Subversion,但若将其与您的IDE集成更为便捷。

    You can use Subversion from the command line , but it 's much more convenient if it 's integrated with your IDE .

  26. 欧元区及英国,加上中国(若按其两个PMI中的一个来衡量),都低于50这个分隔扩张与收缩的关键水平。

    The eurozone and UK , and China on one of its two measures , were below the crucial 50 mark separating expansion from contraction .

  27. 若任其发展下去,这样的行为会导致自我毁灭。

    Carried to cxtremes , such behaviour can be self-destructive .

  28. 一个三角形若删去其顶点后使图不连通,则这个三角形称为分离三角形。

    Where a separating triangle is a triangle that removal separates the graph .

  29. 此种瑜伽若有其真谛,这句话即概括一切。

    If there is one holy truth of this Yoga , that line encapsulates it .

  30. 若将其应用于相控阵天线,可以达到拓宽波束扫描范围的效果。

    Wider scanning angle can be achieved if adopting pattern reconfigurable antennas as the elements of phased array .