
yīnɡ huá
  • Yinghua;English-Chinese;luxuriant beauty;glory;fame
英华 [yīng huá]
  • [illustrious persons or things] 形容草木之类,原指美好的花木,后指优异的人或物;精华或精英

  • 文苑英华

  • 和顺积中而英华外发。--《礼记.乐记》

  1. 在英华学院,放学后,大家都为祖父母节(Grandparents'Day)做着准备。这符合华人尊重长辈的传统。

    After school at Yinghua , preparations are underway for Grandparents ' Day , in line with the Chinese tradition of honoring family elders .

  2. 在明尼苏达州的多元标准评估(MultipleMeasureRating)体系中,英华已经连续三年跻身该州所有公立学校的前15%之列。

    In Minnesota 's Multiple Measure Rating system , Yinghua has ranked within the top 15 percent of all Minnesota public schools for the past three years .

  3. 在英华学院,放学后,大家都为祖父母节(Grandparents’Day)做着准备。这符合华人尊重长辈的传统。

    After school at Yinghua , preparations are underway for Grandparents " Day , in line with the Chinese tradition of honoring family elders .

  4. 英华学院执行院长苏珊·伯格(SusanBerg)认为,主要原因在于学生的家庭环境。

    A primary reason , according to the executive director , Susan Berg , is the students ' home environment .

  5. 沉潜醲郁吐纳英华&王元化的学术成就、思想贡献及人格特点

    On Wang Yuanhua 's Academic Achievements , Ideological Contributions and Personality

  6. 英华今年秋季的学生留校率为93%。

    Yinghua 's retention rate this autumn was 93 percent .

  7. 用长刃的殇葬送我的英华。

    Using long blade clasped my acs lag .

  8. 英华目前有660名学生,均通过抽签获得在这里就读的机会,学费全免。

    The school now has 660 students , all awarded tuition-free places by lottery .

  9. 论北宋初文臣的梁陈文学观&以《文苑英华》选取陈代作品的态度为中心

    On the Viewpoints of Literary Officials of Song Dynasty to the Literature of Chen

  10. 英华预计,到2021年,学校将满负荷运转,在校生将达到800人。

    Yinghua is expected to be at its full capacity of 800 students by 2021 .

  11. 我是在1946年进入英华小学。那是和平后的第一年。

    I joined the Anglo-Chinese School in 1946 , the year after liberation from Japanese occupation .

  12. 论《文苑英华》选录唐代作品的文献价值

    On the Document Value of The Cream of Literary World for Selecting the Works of TANG Dynasty

  13. 这些品格每时每刻都被在英华人所展示。华人社区为我们的社会做出了巨大的贡献。

    Indeed , they are characteristics demonstrated day in , day out by the British Chinese community .

  14. 英华学校只有通过科学合理的市场营销策略才可以在激烈的市场竞争中生存并且进一步发展壮大。

    Only at science rational marketing tactics survive among fierce market competition and further development strengthen school quintessence .

  15. 现在,学生离开英华进入不同的高中后,也有机会继续学习中文。

    Once students leave Yinghua to attend various high schools , they now have the option of continuing Chinese .

  16. 本文的结论在大连英华学校的具体实践得到了良好的验证。

    The conclusion of this text has gotten good verification in the concrete practice of the school of the quintessence of Dalian .

  17. 到我升上中学,英华学校正鼓励华族学生选择华文为第二语文。

    By the time I reached secondary school , ACS was encouraging its ethnic Chinese pupils to take Mandarin as the second language .

  18. 连鹭役在2006年帮助创办了英华,最初只有76名学生和四名教师。

    Ms. Lien helped start Yinghua , which means " English Chinese , " with just 76 students and four teachers in 2006 .

  19. 在此新年,我对在英华人群体为英国所作的杰出贡献表示敬意。

    And on this new year I want to pay tribute to the incredible contribution that the British Chinese community makes to this country .

  20. 早在1815年,伦敦布道会摩礼逊就在马六甲兴办了一间双语学塾英华书院。

    As early as 1815 , London missionary John Robert Morrison set up the first bilingual school " the Anglo-Chinese College " in Malacca .

  21. 试论唐代科判与唐代法律的关系&以《文苑英华》中的判文为例

    Relationship Between Judgments of Imperial Civil Examination and the Laws During the Dang Dynasty & Take The Cream of Literary World as an Example

  22. 佛山市南海新英华五金矿产化工有限公司专业销售铜、镍、钴、锡、锌、铁等有色化工盐类。

    We are specialized in the sales of chemical salts , such as copper , nickel , cobalt , tin , zinc , and iron etc.

  23. 在中国教育史上,众多学者在谈到中国近代教会学校的起源时,大都把它归结于英国传教士马礼逊在马六甲创办的英华书院。

    In Chinese educational history , many scholars think that Chinese modern mission schools resulted from Anglo-Chinese College built in Malacca by British missionary Morrison .

  24. 通过在英华学校学习预科教育课程,可以最大程度的保证学生的出国签证率与国外大学入学率。

    Through study at quintessence school preparatory course course of educating , can heavy the assurance the visa rates and university school attendance rates of studentses of the degree most .

  25. 在明尼苏达州的标准化考试中,英华考生的成绩至少与其他公立学校的考生相仿,甚至还更好一些,尽管他们直到7岁才开始上英文课。

    In Minnesota standardized tests , Yinghua students perform at least as well or better than their public school counterparts , even though English classes begin only at age 7 .

  26. 英华书院在英语教学中所使用的教科书,无疑是中国人学习正规英语的最早文本,在中国英语教科书编写史上具有开拓性的意义。

    Undoubtedly , the pioneering English textbooks used in Anglo-Chinese colleges can be regarded as the earliest one for Chinese English learning in the history , thus it has the historical significance .

  27. 美国本土的常规中小学校总共开设了175项中文浸入式课程,仅本学年就新增了18项。然而,全中文浸入式学校只有少数几所,英华就是其中之一。

    Yinghua Academy is among a handful of total-immersion schools , though the United States has 175 Chinese-immersion programs within regular schools across the country , 18 begun this academic year alone .

  28. 浸入式课程的授课语言既有英文又有中文,但在英华,四年级及以下所有学科的授课语言都是中文,进入五至八年级,才会切换到半英文半中文的教学模式。

    While immersion programs have a mix of English and Chinese classes , Yinghua teaches all academic subjects in Chinese through fourth grade before moving to a half-English model for grades five to eight .