
  • 网络British Sports;UK Sport
  1. 虽然公共财政紧张,但时任财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)在去年11月的开支审查期间宣布向英国体育局增加29%的投入。

    Despite strains on the public finances , then Chancellor George Osborne announced a 29 per cent increase in funding for UK Sport during the spending review last November .

  2. 他说,波兰应该效仿英国体育有的放矢的政策,而不是把经费平分给各个项目。

    He said Poland should emulate UK Sport 's targeted policy , rather than splitting funding equally between all disciplines .

  3. 为了杜绝舞弊行为,英国体育委员会丝毫不会顾及个人的隐私或职业。

    The British Sports Council is no respecter of privacy or careers as it tries to stamp out the cheats

  4. 据报道,英国体育大臣准备争取试行取消那条禁令。

    The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban .

  5. 更令英国体育迷恼火的或许是欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)的做法。

    Perhaps even more irritating to British sports fans was the approach taken by the European Parliament .

  6. 英国体育大臣RichardCaborn会系星期二同欧洲足协会长柏天尼见面,而首要谈及既系o系雅典欧联决赛所发生既问题。

    Richard Caborn , the British Sports Minister , is meeting Uefa President Michel Platini on Tuesday and top of the agenda is the problems that marred the Champions League final in Athens .

  7. 马隆自8月5日被捕后一直被拘留。他是英国体育服务公司THG的主管。该公司的持有者是伊普斯维奇城足球俱乐部的老板马库斯•埃文斯。

    Mr Mallon , who has been in custody since his arrest on 5 August , is a director of THG Sports , a British corporate and sports hospitality company owned by Ipswich Town Football Club owner Marcus Evans .

  8. 这个机构就是“英国体育”,于1997年成立。

    That agency , U.K. Sport , was launched in 1997 .

  9. 对英国体育发展状况的考察与调研

    Research and Review on the Development Situation of British Sports

  10. 英国体育管理组织体系体现了多元化特点。

    The diverse characteristics are reflected from British sports management organization system .

  11. 19世纪末20世纪初英国体育的商业化与产业趋势

    Industrialization Trend of British Sport in Late 19th and Early 20th Cantury

  12. 这些辉煌战绩在一定程度上解读了英国体育东山再起的玄机。

    Their success offers some clues to why Britain has staged such a comeback .

  13. 体育政策的制定和实施是英国体育管理的重要保障。

    Development and implementation of sports policy is an important guarantee for British Sports Management .

  14. 英国体育界极有前途的姑娘。

    The golden girl of British athletics .

  15. 英国体育政策的变迁

    Transformation of Sport Policy in British

  16. 三十多年来英国体育休闲娱乐及其政策理念的发展

    Development of sports leisure and physical recreation by administration of UK government and the ideas of policy

  17. 《全民体育的未来》与《奥运会计划》是现行英国体育政策的核心文件。

    A Sporting Future for All and Game Plan is the core policies of the existing British sports management .

  18. 自那时起,“英国体育”就能够为运动员提供充足的资金支持——前提是他们未来有赢奖牌的希望。

    From then on , U.K. Sport would provide ample funding to athletes - if they had a metallic future .

  19. 英国体育资金来源广泛,单点运作的资金划拨方式是现行英国体育资金的主要分配方式。

    The wide range of sources of funding in British sport , single-pot funds allocated is the major distribution way .

  20. 早在伦敦获得奥运会主办权前八年开始,“英国体育”就开始用这笔额外资金支持运动员。

    U.K. Sport has used the extra money to support athletes as far as eight years in advance of Olympic qualification .

  21. 正在筹拍的英国体育传记片《雄鹰爱迪》,讲述的是1988年冬奥会上那位自学成才的跳台滑雪选手的故事。

    There are plans for a British biopic of Eddie the Eagle , the self-taught ski jumper who entered the1988 Olympics .

  22. “英国体育”通过一种精明务实的方式运营,包括对运动员、团队及机构本身设置严格的成绩目标。

    U.K. Sport operates via a shrewd method that includes strict performance targets for the athletes , the teams and the agency itself .

  23. 这个奖项对于他这样一个优秀的运动员来说再合适不过了,作为英国体育大使,大卫是人们学习的典范。

    It 's a fitting reward for an outstanding career as a player and for his tireless work as an ambassador for British sport .

  24. 英国体育大臣特萨奇韦尔则对该决定表现出了惊讶:“我们好像从哪个方面都很难赢得奥林匹克比赛。”

    Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell told of her shock at the decision : " We came from nowhere to win the Olympic Games . "

  25. 成名的队伍或运动员的失败,比任何技能的展示更能激发公正的英国体育评论员的兴趣。

    It is the defeat of established teams or players , more than any display of skill , which motivates the impartial British sports viewer .

  26. 英国体育休闲娱乐有自己的设计、规划的模型,在整个发展过程具有原创性、以民间组织为主等特点。

    Sports leisure and physical recreation system includes the module of designing and planning , the characteristics of the original creativity and folk organization to run mainly .

  27. “英国体育”甚至根除了“体制障碍”,也就是那些在国际上打比赛但已经过了黄金期而且不大可能赢奥运奖牌的运动员。

    U.K. Sport even rooted out ' system blockers , ' or athletes who were competing internationally but had passed their prime and appeared unlikely to win Olympic medals .

  28. 据英国体育研究所的拉斐尔·布兰登称,或许是受到博尔特示范效应的激励,现在越来越多高大健壮的运动员开始走向短跑赛场。

    According to Raphael Brandon , of the English Institute of Sport , more tall powerful athletes might now be inspired by Bolt 's example and be drawn to sprint events .

  29. 你购买的是一颗英国体育王国的珍宝,一个凝聚了无数人生命中情感的力量,一个不仅仅是商业的组织。

    You have purchased one of the crown jewels of English sport , an emotional force in the lives of countless people , a place where community means more than commerce .

  30. 英国体育协会并没有为这届伦敦奥运设下特定目标,但是决意超过三年前在北京获得的47枚奖牌的成绩。

    No specific targets have been set for the London Olympics , but UK sport , the elite sports agency , is determined to better the47 medals won at the Beijing Olympics three years ago .