
  1. 在《中国妇女》英文月刊的采访中,人们各抒己见,诠释对这一古老的择偶标准的理解。

    Women of China English Monthly interviewed several people for their " modern understanding " of this age-old idea .

  2. 英文扶轮月刊或地域性扶轮杂志如何使用能对扶轮社有所助益?

    How can THE ROTARIAN or regional Rotary magazine be used to benefit the club ?

  3. 国际扶轮的公式杂志「英文扶轮月刊」每月以英文出版。

    The official magazine of Rotary International , The Rotarian , is published monthly in English .

  4. 次例会。订阅英文扶轮月刊或地域扶轮杂志送给已故社员之伴侣。

    Send a gift subscription of THE ROTARIAN or a regional magazine to the partner of a deceased club member .

  5. 双周刊隔周发行的刊物《上海航空》杂志为全彩页中英文双语月刊,图文并茂,装帧精美。

    A publication issued once every two weeks . Shanghai Airlines in-flight magazine is a bilingual monthly magazine with color pages .

  6. 它们也与「英文扶轮月刊」共用部份内容,也正在推动联合广告计划。

    The magazine 's feature stories all include Rotary-related angles . They also share some editorial content from The Rotarian and are developing joint advertising plans .