
yīng cái
  • person of outstanding ability;gifted person;the able and the clever;meritocrat
英才 [yīng cái]
  • [person of outstanding ability] 才华杰出的人

  • 一代英才

英才[yīng cái]
  1. 《孙子兵法》战略决策中的英才考察、法制考察与现代竞技体育融合之研究

    Research on ″ The Art of war ″ Strategic Policy in Person of Outstanding Ability Investigation , Legal Investigation and Modern Competitive Sports Mix Together

  2. 创建了英才教育模式,撰写了《教人》论著。

    Have established the educational pattern of person of outstanding ability , has written the " teaching people " treatise .

  3. 她是当时的一名盖世英才。

    She was one of the most formidable intellects of her time .

  4. 他很有眼力,慧眼识英才。

    He had the insight to recognize their talents

  5. 英才早逝。

    Whom the gods love die young .

  6. 他们指出,那些不喜欢交换学校的克利夫兰家长可以把他们的孩子送到城里的正规公立学校,或者特许公立学校和英才学校(magnetschool)。

    They point out that Cleveland parents who don 't like parochial schools can send their kids to the city 's regular public schools , or to public charter schools and magnet schools .

  7. 美国国家英才研究中心(NRC)是美国目前最大、最有影响力的英才教育研究机构。

    NRC is one of the largest and the most influential research agency for the gifted and talented .

  8. 大试验:美国英才教育秘史

    The Big Test : The Secret History of the American Meritocracy

  9. 天才与专才:英才教育基本概念辨析

    The Gifted and the Talented : Concept Discrimination of Elite Education

  10. 法国英才汇聚的文艺沙龙。

    The salons where the brightest intellects of France were assembled .

  11. 我们民族有你这样的英才,无所畏惧。

    I have no fear because so many elites aassist me .

  12. 对中小学实施英才教育的思考

    Implementation of the Talented Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

  13. 即使是英才管理所产生的那种不平等现象也会给经济增长带来危害。

    Even the sort of inequality produced by meritocracy can hurt growth .

  14. 美国斯坦福大学英才青少年教育计划研究

    Study of Education Program for Gifted Youth at Stanford University

  15. 在我国涌现出大批英才。

    Large numbers of persons of supersor talents appear in the country .

  16. 第三方面是热心培育英才。

    The third aspect is enthusiastic about cultivating talents .

  17. 聚一流英才创高水平大学

    Gather the First-rate Persons of Outstanding Ability and Create University with Higher Level

  18. 英国英才教育政策:价值转向及技术保障

    Value Diversion and Technical Support of Gifted and Talented Education Policy in England

  19. 百计延聘英才,提高教育质量;

    Searching for the person of excellent ability to improve the education quality ;

  20. 随着公司业务发展,我们急需招蓦所述英才。

    With the rapid business growth , we 're eagerly looking for candidates .

  21. 为什么总是天妒英才呢?

    Why does fate always mess up with geniuses ?

  22. 企业的管理人员需要有巨眼识英才的本领。

    The management personnel of an enterprise need to have insights for recognizing talents .

  23. 他的理想是成为一个慧眼识英才的读人大师和职业顾问。

    His dream is to be a master of people-reading and a career consultant .

  24. 在民族意识中,“凤”是理想的英才与瑞兆,“凤皇出而天下治”。

    In national consciousness , Phoenix stands for an ideal talent and a mascot .

  25. 国际英才教育的现状及对我国英才教育的思考

    Current state of international gifted education and thoughts on the gifted education in China

  26. 这些活动是英国公学英才教育的重要组成部分。

    These activities form an important part of the elite education in British public schools .

  27. 现代英才品质的多样化特征赋予现代精英教育的创新内容。

    The diversity of the quality of modern elites requires creativity in modern elite education .

  28. 英才如梦初醒,转过身来。

    Bold Talent roused himself and turned .

  29. 再选择海口市英才小学作为个案进行深入研究。

    Then I selected YingCai Primary School of Haikou City as a case in-depth study .

  30. 山东英才学院也不例外。

    No exception of Shandong Yingcai College .