
  • English Learning;english study
  1. 用Delphi开发的一个英语学习小软件

    Development of an English Learning Software Using Delphi

  2. 运用SILL,采取定量研究的方法,调查研究了高职学生英语学习策略运用的特点。

    The paper reports a quantitative study of the features of the use of English learning strategies of college English by adopting SILL .

  3. 她经常去李小姐那里求教英语学习的问题。

    She often goes to Miss Li for advice on English study .

  4. 在英语学习中,精读必须与泛读结合起来。

    In English study , intensive reading must be combined with extensive reading .

  5. 这是英语学习的渐进课程。

    This is a progressive course in English study .

  6. 我是一个英语学习者。

    I am a english learner .

  7. 随着信息时代的到来,Internet的发展势头猛、更新快,网络资源越来越丰富,Internet对我们的英语学习与英语教学起着无比重要的作用。

    In the fast-developing information era , the Internet resources are continuously been developed , which shall someday play a most important role in our future English teaching and learning .

  8. 作为对高程度英语学习者(advancedlearners)同义词学习情况的初探,本文会引起那些关注词汇语义学发展的教师们的兴趣。

    This paper reports on a preliminary study on advanced EFL learners ' synonym learning . It might be of special interest to teachers concerned with lexical semantics , and those who wish their students to gain lexical force .

  9. ESP作为当今世界上一门激动人心的、发展迅速的跨学科研究科目,在英语学习领域及许多其他领域都正获得越来越多的关注。

    As an exciting fast-developing transdisciplinary subject of study in the world , ESP is gaining more and more attention in both English learning world and many other fields .

  10. 2003上海语料库语言学国际会议的议题包括:(1)基于CLEC的中国英语学习者中介语分析;

    The 2003 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics at Shanghai covered six areas in corpus linguistics : ( 1 ) CLEC-based analysis of Chinese learner English as interlanguage ;

  11. 文章分析了混合模式的内涵、IBMLMS平台的技术架构以及学习门户的建设思路,并在此基础上,建立了英语学习门户原型系统。

    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the ideas of the Hybrid Pattern , the technical architecture of IBM LMS and the ways of the construction of English e-Learning Portal System ( ELPS ) . And then , a prototype EIPS has been established .

  12. VU8中国英语学习网。

    VU8 Chinese English Learning Website .

  13. 农村中学生;英语学习;兴趣培养。

    Village middle school student ; English study ; Interest development .

  14. 加强对大学英语学习弱势群体的关注

    More Concern Should be Paid to Those Unsuccessful College English Learners

  15. 论跨文化障碍对英语学习的影响

    A Talk on the Influence of Cross-cultural Communication in English Learning

  16. 汉语思维、汉语水平和英语学习

    A Study of English Learning , Chinese Thinking and Chinese Level

  17. 论激发学生英语学习兴趣的策略

    On the Strategy of Stimulating Students ' Interest of Learning English

  18. 不同性别学生对英语学习策略的选择存在差异。

    Different sexual students ' English learning strategy choices have diversity .

  19. 听力的训练是英语学习的难点。

    Listening practice is the most difficult one in English study .

  20. 通过英语学习圣经,通过圣经提升英语。

    Through English learn the Bible and through the Bible improve English .

  21. 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习

    Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study

  22. 翻译是英语学习中非常重要的一项技能。

    Translation is one of the most important skills in English learning .

  23. 疯狂英语学习法之语言学分析

    A linguistic Analysis of The Way of Crazy English Learning

  24. 对研究生英语学习动机和课堂需求的调查

    An Investigation of Graduates'Motivation in Learning English and Needs in English Classes

  25. 高职大专生英语学习环境的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on the English Learning Environment in Higher Vocational Colleges

  26. 英语学习中接受技能和产出技能的相关研究

    Study on the correlation between receptive skills and productive skills

  27. 女生英语学习优势研究

    A study on female students ' advantages in English learning

  28. 因此,在英语学习和运用过程中必须重视文化的导入,培养交际文化意识。

    So cultural awareness should be strengthen in English study and communication .

  29. 语音学习是英语学习的基础。

    Phonetics is one of the basic elements in English language teaching .

  30. 论制约大学生英语学习动机形成的因素

    On interacted factors in causal formation of motivation in college English learning