
  1. 在所有一切英国游戏之中,赚钱居其首。

    The first of all English games is making money .

  2. 源自爱德蒙霍伊尔(1672?-1769年),英国游戏作家。

    After Edmond Hoyle ( 1672 ? - 1769 ), British writer on games .

  3. 下次大选之后,合并的政纲可能应该起这样一个好名字:英国游戏。

    After the next general election , coalition politics could well be the name of Britain 's game .

  4. 几个月前我因为英国游戏产业中的上帝建议电脑游戏的未来是社群而非内容,而感到震惊。

    A few months ago , I was dumbstruck when a deity in the UK games business suggested that the future of computer gaming was community , not content .

  5. 城内驻军经常受到炮击之馀,就玩板球之类典型英国游戏,在布瓦纳山脊的波尔炮兵眼底,设立板球场。

    In spite of the continual bombardment , the Ladysmith garrison pursued typical British pastimes like cricket . A cricket pitch was set up in sight of the Boer guns on Bulwana Ridge .

  6. 创造出《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrushSaga)的英国手机游戏开发商正寻求在纽约上市,实现大约50亿美元的估值。

    The UK-based company behind the Candy Crush Saga mobile gaming phenomenon is seeking to float in New York with an equity valuation of around $ 5bn .

  7. 一种英国球类游戏与棒球类似。

    An English ball game similar to baseball .

  8. 我是一个英国网络游戏公司的产品生产方,负责该公司的网络游戏魔方产品的生产。

    I am specified manufacturer for a big internet puzzles games company which from UK .

  9. 与这份傲人业绩一道发布的还有一组令人印象深刻的统计数据,比如该公司在第二季度美国和英国独立游戏发行商排行榜中都位列榜首。

    That success accompanied a host of impressive statistics , including news of its standing as the top independent game publisher in the U.S. and U.K. during the second quarter .

  10. 英国铁路这个游戏具有奇异有趣的岛国风情特色。

    British Rails features the exotic and interesting landscape of the island nation .

  11. 英国取缔酒桌游戏严打豪饮之风。

    Out go drinking games in UK crackdown .

  12. Planking这个词2011年首现于澳大利亚,不过这个游戏的概念其实早在上世纪90年代末期就已经有了,当时在英国叫做“平躺游戏”。

    The activity noun planking was coined in Australia in2011 , though the concept underlying the fad dates back to the late nineties , and was previously known as the lying down game in Britain .

  13. 英国的一种游戏,用手将硬币或圆盘在棋盘上滑向一个标号。

    ( British ) a game in which coins or discs are slid by hand across a board toward a mark .

  14. 修正主义者认为板球与棒球存在一定渊源:两者都源自英国的传统民间游戏;

    BRITAIN and America are divided , not just by a common language , but also by their passion for summer ball games .

  15. 中国一家亏损矿商将要买下英国一家电脑游戏开发商,这笔3亿美元的交易堪称中国疯狂而往往不协调的、债务助燃的收购热潮的典型代表。该交易将意味着一家奇幻游戏开发商与一家铁矿石生产商联姻。

    A lossmaking Chinese miner is snapping up a British computer games developer in a $ 300m deal that encapsulates the spirit of China 's frenzied , and often incongruous , debt-fuelled shopping spree .

  16. 英国葡萄酒产业失去什么,英国计算机游戏产业就获得什么。

    What the British wine industry loses , the UK computer games industry gains .