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yīnɡ wěi
  • Yingwei;tall and handsome;strapping
英伟 [yīng wěi]
  • [handsome and strong] 英俊魁伟

  • 排头是一个英伟的战士

  1. 英伟达的人确实很“懂”游戏和玩家——这就是他们的DNA。

    The folks at Nvidia really " get " gaming and gamers - it 's in their DNA .

  2. 根据英伟达的预测,到2015年,安装3D视效系统的个人电脑将会达到4000万台。

    The company forecasts that there will be 40 million pcs with 3D vision installed by 2015 .

  3. 芯片制造商英伟达(NVIDIA)最近在该公司于加利福尼亚召开的GPU技术大会(GPUTechnologyConference)上大力鼓吹实时面部渲染技术。

    Chipmaker NVIDIA ( NVDA ) recently touted real-time face-rendering at its GPU Technology Conference in California .

  4. 沃德认为“盾”是一款创新产品,也是用来证明英伟达图睿芯片和Grid流媒体技术实力的绝佳例证。

    Ward sees the Shield console as an innovative product that also serves as an example of what can be done with Nvidia 's Tegra chips and Grid streaming technology .

  5. 英伟达打算像音乐界的Spotify一样,在游戏界掀起波澜。

    Nvidia wants to do for gaming what Spotify did for music .

  6. 我们与英伟达开发了一台样机。在谷歌开发者大会上,EpicGames公司的人用“虚幻引擎4”(UnrealEngine4)在这台样机上展示了玩家将享有的体验。

    We did a demo with Nvidia and the folks at Epic Games with Unreal Engine 4 at Google IO to show off what 's going to be possible .

  7. 我们还与英伟达公司及其NvidiaShield目前的开发者们密切合作,使其应用能适用于非触控领域。

    We also worked closely with Nvidia and their existing Nvidia Shield developers to get their apps ready for a non-touch world .

  8. 英伟达“图睿”(Tegra)K1技术为游戏机玩家带来哪些体验?

    What does Tegra K1 technology open up for video game experiences ?

  9. 总部位于加州圣克拉拉市的英伟达公司,即将于5月份推出全新的“盾”(Shield)游戏机,这是一台高性能的安卓电视设备,将搭载英伟达Grid游戏流媒体服务,售价为200美元。

    Nvidia , based in Santa Clara , Calif. , is launching its new Shield console , which is a high-powered Android TV device combined with the Nvidia Grid game streaming service , in May for $ 200 .

  10. 英特尔、可口可乐、美国运通、金霸王电池、HTC、英伟达和明基等大品牌已经进军电子竞技市场。

    Big brands like Intel , Coca-Cola , American Express , Duracell , HTC , Nvidia , and Benq have already tapped into the eSports audience .

  11. 上周日,英伟达CEO黄仁勋展示了新型的TegraX1处理器,它也可以用在平板电脑和汽车上。

    On Sunday , Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off the new Tegra X1 processor , which can be used in both tablets and cars .

  12. 申诉表示,这些问题的根源在于英伟达(Nvidia)生产的显卡有问题。英伟达是一家芯片制造商,向多家个人电脑厂商供应这一部件。

    The complaint said the problems were due to faulty graphics cards produced by Nvidia , a chipmaker which supplies several PC makers with this component .

  13. 其中联想C540是一款入门级的一体机,配备了一块23英寸的1080p显示屏、酷睿(Core)i3处理器、8GB的RAM、英伟达精视(NvidiaGeForce)615显卡。

    The Lenovo c540 is an entry-level all-in-one with a 23-inch multitouch 1080p display , core I3 processor , 8GB of ram and NVIDIA geforce 615 graphics .

  14. 《财富》杂志:英伟达公司(Nvidia)这类芯片企业的新技术影响了安卓智能手机和平板电脑的游戏能力。您如何看待这种影响力的速度?

    Fortune : What are your thoughts on the speed at which new technology from companies like Nvidia has impacted the gaming capabilities of Android smartphones and tablets ?

  15. 根据校方的脸书主页上的信息,这所学校还专门配置了一间装有电脑椅,以及专为游戏用的、搭载英伟达GeForceGTX980Ti型号游戏显卡的高端PC电脑的游戏教室。

    The school will have a dedicated room for the program with gaming chairs and high-end PCs with Nvidia GeForce GTX 980Ti video cards , according to its Facebook page .

  16. 我们一直与英伟达密切合作(他们是ADT-1的核心)。

    We have worked very closely with Nvidia ( they are at the heart of the ADT-1 ) .

  17. 英伟达移动业务总经理雷菲尔德(MikeRayfield)说,迄今为止还没有其他公司能够以199美元的售价推出真正让人叹服的好设备,如果出现了,那肯定是个大新闻。

    ' Nobody else has been able to deliver a truly amazing device at $ 199 , ' said Mike Rayfield , general manager of Nvidia 's mobile business . ' There is significant news in that . '

  18. 游戏研究公司Newzoo的首席执行官彼得o沃尔曼称,凭借“盾”这一利器,在那些传统游戏机还未大行其道的地方,尤其是东欧、拉美和亚洲地区,英伟达有望大获成功。

    Peter Warman , CEO of video game research firm Newzoo , says Nvidia has an opportunity to succeed with Shield in regions where traditional consoles have not , particularly in Eastern Europe , Latin America , and Asia .

  19. 想象他们的祝贺和你在他们眼中的英伟形象。

    Imagine their congratulations , and their high image of you .

  20. 你们与英伟达公司在安卓电视项目的合作是如何进行的?

    How have you worked with Nvidia on Android TV ?

  21. 英伟达发布新型汽车芯片

    Nvidia unveils new chip perfect for cars

  22. 2013年7月,英伟达推出了便携式“盾”游戏机,2014年7月,它又推出了“盾”平板电脑。

    Nvidia shipped the Shield portable in July 2013 and the Shield tablet in July 2014 .

  23. 对英伟达来说,拓展到生产领域并直接营销品牌游戏机,是一次重大转变。

    This expansion into manufacturing and marketing branded gaming hardware is quite a change for Nvidia .

  24. 这何等英伟,然而不要忘记他后面跟着许多兵;

    What a heroic statement ! But we must not forget how many troops he had at his back .

  25. 这也是一款带有概念验证性质的产品。沃德相信,英伟达最终会以合适的价格把它卖给一家原始设备生产商。

    It 's a proof-of-concept that Ward believes Nvidia would ultimately sell to an original equipment manufacturer for the right price .

  26. 沃尔曼表示:由于跟传统的零售渠道捆绑在一起,传统游戏机往往会遭遇发展瓶颈,英伟达对此深有体会。

    Nvidia sees first-hand how the traditional consoles are in a gridlock because of their traditional tie-in with retail , Warman says .

  27. 想象一下,告诉你今天遇到的人你将要做什么想象他们的祝贺和你在他们眼中的英伟形象。

    Imagine telling someone that you meet today what you 're going to do . Imagine their congratulations and their high image of you .

  28. 2008年7月,英伟达公开承认某些型号的显卡有质量问题,并宣布该公司正付款给个人电脑厂商,由其处理所造成的问题。

    In July 2008 , NVIDIA publicly acknowledged quality problems with some graphics cards and announced that it was paying PC makers to deal with resulting problems .

  29. 据监管文件显示,微软和英伟达签署过一份协议(达成过一场交易),内容有关微软对该图形和移动处理器制造商可能的收购问题。

    Microsoft and Nvidia have an agreement in place that spells out terms relating to a possible acquisition of the graphics and mobile processor manufacturer , regulatory documents indicate .

  30. 但他相信,如果英伟达能简化游戏的交付过程,让玩家只需轻轻一点就能获得各种游戏,该公司就能使玩家群体扩大10倍到100倍。

    However , he believes Nvidia can expand the reach of gaming 10 to 100 times if it can make gaming more accessible by simplifying delivery of titles to a single click .